Sat.Feb 29, 2020 - Fri.Mar 06, 2020

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Hypoglycemia Unawareness: Why It Occurs and What to Do About It

Insulin Nation

For a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, there is nothing scarier than having your blood sugar bottom out. One minute you’re fine, the next you’re sitting in a pool of your own sweat trembling and struggling to put a coherent thought together. But as you go through the years with this condition, you start to realize that as bad as suffering through those hypo symptoms are, not having them is a heck of a lot worse.

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Five new technologies from the 2020 Market Overview

Aging in Place Technology Watch

echnology for older adults has become mainstream. The 2020 Market Overview of Technology for Aging is now online. This 2020 version reflects the growing market interest in the boomer-senior demographic and its position in the Longevity Economy. This tech market is less about products specifically designed for older adults and more about smarter marketing of many consumer offerings that could be useful to them.

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How Coronavirus Is Re-Shaping Consumer Behavior, From the Amusement Park to the Voting Booth

Health Populi

The coronavirus has shaken U.S. consumer confidence, both in terms of financial markets and personal health risks. COVID-19 is re-shaping peoples’ behavior and daily choices, from using public transit to choosing where to shop, based on Morning Consult’s National Tracking Poll #200276 conducted February 28-March 1, 2020. Morning Consult surveyed 2,200 U.S. adults, finding that 3 in 4 Americans were concerned about the coronavirus outbreak.

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IT deficits are eating hospital profits. CEOs need to wake up.


I work for a hospital network with the world's slowest computers. I timed it: Last shift, it took me fifteen minutes to log on. The first computer obtained didn't function at all. It had been worked on the day before by information technology services (IT). Efficiency and time management appear to be amongst top priorities […]. Find jobs at Careers by

Health IT 379
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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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FDA warns of BlueTooth Low Energy vulnerability affecting connected medical devices

Mobi Health News

"SweynTooth" impacts several microchip and medical device manufacturers, and could allow bad actors to wirelessly crash or access these products, according to the agency.


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CDC recommends telehealth in case of coronavirus outbreak


The Centers for Disease Control has released helpful steps for Americans to take to prepare for a possible outbreak of the novel coronavirus. One of these steps is to make sure you have a plan to manage your family’s healthcare online. Now is a good time to access your Clocktree account and make sure you know how to contact your healthcare professionals online, should the need arise.

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HIMSS cancels 2020 global health conference due to coronavirus concerns


HIMSS canceled its global health conference. HIMSS organizers said the 2020 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition was called off due to the coronavirus outbreak and the "unacceptable risk to bring so many thousands of people together in Orlando next week.

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Gaming for health: How tech can help young people come to terms with illness

Mobi Health News

Dom Raban, CEO of Xploro, and Pamela Kato, CEO of HopeLab, will be talking about their efforts at the HIMSS & Health 2.0 European conference this May.

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How Bahrain is taking advantage of telemedicine

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

Primary topic: Telehealth Disable Auto Tagging: Short Headline: How Bahrain is taking advantage of telemedicine Featured Decision Content: Region Tag: Asia Pacific Right Now:

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HIPAA Compliance: Can Your Organization Avoid Costly Government Penalties and Fines?

Colington Consulting was established in 2013 and helps organizations achieve HIPAA compliance and ensures clients stay current with the latest enforcement trends. We provide a full range of HIPAA compliance services and consulting. What separates us from our competitors is our knowledge of HIPAA compliance regulations and their application to each of our client’s particular scenarios and requirements.

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4 Ways Hospitals Can Prepare for COVID-19 Using Virtual Care


COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. Evidence of this is being reported across the United States from Washington State to Rhode Island. The numbers of confirmed cases in the US changes daily, and so far it’s in the wrong direction.

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Doctors go back to school to learn the business of medicine


When Ed Hellman, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon in Indianapolis, was learning to be a doctor he wasn’t focused on the business of medicine. But that's changed and the doctor went back to school for his MBA.

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US senators question Ascension on its Google collaboration Project Nightingale

Mobi Health News

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Dr. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) sent a follow-up letter to Ascension CEO Joesph Impicciche regarding privacy concerns about Project Nightingale.

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American Well to preview TV-based telemedicine for the home at HIMSS20

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

At HIMSS20, prominent telemedicine technology vendor American Well will preview its new home TV system, dubbed CarePort, which will be commercially available at a date yet to be announced. The idea behind CarePort, powered by American Well and its vendor partner Solaborate, is to transform a patient's home into a virtual hospital room. CarePort is designed to smooth the transition between the hospital and the home.

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Ambiq’s neuralSPOT HeartKit™ enables Real-Time Heart Monitoring AI Applications

Ambiq®, a leading developer of ultra-low-power semiconductor solutions that deliver a multifold increase in energy efficiency, introduces HeartKit, its latest addition to neuralSPOT. This optimized AI model enables running various real-time heart monitoring applications to help users and their healthcare providers quickly identify any irregular events to take necessary actions.

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What interop means for rare disease patients

Morning eHealth

High-profile HIMSS dropout — More momentum for telehealth in coronavirus response

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Boston startup using AI, remote monitoring to fight coronavirus


A Boston-based startup has been tapped to help doctors and researchers in Hong Kong combat the growing coronavirus outbreak. Biofourmis is using its wearable and artificial intelligence technology to aid with disease surveillance and to help researchers better understand the illness.

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NHS introduces new online service amid coronavirus crisis

Mobi Health News

Based on the latest figures from the World Health Organization, as of the morning of 3 March, there have been nearly 91,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally.

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HIMSS Announces Cancellation of The 2020 Global Health Conference & Exhibition

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Today, following recent reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HIMSS announced it is clearly necessary to cancel the 2020 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition. […]. The article HIMSS Announces Cancellation of The 2020 Global Health Conference & Exhibition appeared first on

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The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Report

This report explores current issues in the behavioral health industry in 2023. Topics covered include quantitative statistics describing the overall increase in behavioral health issues, the impact of psychologist and staff burnout, how HIPAA compliance is once again at the top of our minds & much more!

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Coronavirus and T1D: What You Need to Know and How to Prepare

Insulin Nation

As news continues to grow concerning the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, it can be hard not to worry about your own safety. This is especially true if you are a person living with type 1 diabetes and are already at an increased risk for health problems and infection. But before you give in to the pandemic hysteria, it’s worth taking a moment to understand this new disease, why it is causing so many headlines, and how it has the potential to affect you as a person living with diabetes.

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Lyft partners with Unite Us to coordinate rides to job interviews, food pantries


Lyft is partnering with Unite Us to coordinate rides to job interviews, food pantries and mental health services. Find out why the partnership with a technology startup is the next logical next step in Lyft's healthcare transportation strategy.

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Making digital the ‘new normal in healthcare’: Stockholm’s approach

Mobi Health News

An interview with Daniel Forslund, chairman of the innovation and development committee in the region of Stockholm, Sweden.

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#HIMSS20 Has Been Cancelled

Healthcare IT Today

Update: HIMSS has published a HIMSS Cancellation FAQ We’re sorry to report that the HIMSS 2020 annual conference in Orlando has been cancelled. Here’s the email that was sent out by HIMSS. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we have continued to monitor the situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Made apparent by recent reports […].

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The Secret to Supercharging Your Organizations Communications

Effective collaboration among all care team members is critical to delivering better patient outcomes. A key element to achieving effective collaboration is through the implementation of a clinical communication and collaboration platform. In a fast-paced, high-stress and critical environment, people tend to do whatever gets the job done. Therefore will scramble and use the systems, people, or processes around them to get an outcome more quickly - which can often be at the expense of quality.

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CTA Launches First-Ever Industry-Led Standard For AI In Healthcare

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. More than 50 organizations – from major tech giants to startups and healthcare industry leaders – convened by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) have developed the first-ever ANSI-accredited standard for the use of artificial intelligence […].

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HIMSS20 organizers step up on-site preparedness for coronavirus as major exhibitors back out


HIMSS officials are stepping up on-site preparedness at HIMSS20 in response to the ongoing spread of the virus known as COVID-19. Here's what else they had to say about the fast-approaching event.

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Issue in Walgreens' app led to customers seeing each others' secure messages

Mobi Health News

Prescription drug information and names were exposed, but financials and social security numbers were not.

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HRS: Coronavirus Clinical Pathways

Health Recovery Solutions

Our partners are the backbone of everything we do at HRS. We are committed to bringing a solution at scale to the complex populations at risk for Coronavirus. This week, many clients have reached out to the HRS team in effort to be best prepared for an outbreak should it occur. We are working with our partners directly to ensure that they are equipped with the telehealth tools they need to care for their patients.

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Patient Engagement & Cultural Competence Training Roadmap: A Guide to Reducing Staff Burnout

Speaker: Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, Patient Engagement and Cultural Competence Specialist

If you’re a healthcare provider, chances are you have experienced symptoms of burnout yourself or have colleagues who are currently facing extreme career dissatisfaction. One of the many ways to partially alleviate burnout is active patient engagement. By engaging with patients to understand their needs and preferences, healthcare providers can develop treatments tailored to the individual patient.

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CMS Develops Additional Code For Coronavirus Lab Tests

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) took additional actions to ensure America’s patients, healthcare facilities and clinical laboratories are prepared to respond to the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). CMS has developed a second Healthcare […].

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Amazon rolls out Alexa feature that lets users ask about prescription drugs


Amazon is rolling out detailed medication information as a new feature of its Alexa device. It's the latest step by the tech giant to use the voice assistant to help consumers manage their medications.

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Sanofi announces three-month Babylon pilot to assist people with digestive health issues

Mobi Health News

The company is also sponsoring a free video consultation for the first 400 people accessing the service.