May, 2018

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Opioid bills still occupying Congress

Morning eHealth

Funding, other congressional matters — Athenahealth corporate maneuvering continues

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Google I/O 2018 highlights AI health projects

Mobi Health News

Google has unleashed a tidal wave of product and feature updates through the ongoing Google I/O developers’ conference, and it’s no surprise that the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare was a recurring spotlight among them. Through keynote speeches and simultaneously released online blog posts, the company highlighted a handful of tech-driven healthcare efforts that seem to be bearing fruit.


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5 things that confuse me about health care today


Say we met ten years ago. And you asked me: Would health care delivery be more complicated in the future? I would've said, "No, it would be simpler!" Pointing you to technology trends, I would’ve told you that health care transactions will indeed become more automated, much simpler. Repeatable administrative tasks would be tech-enabled and algorithm-driven.

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The Next Frontier in Health Tech: Improving the Patient Experience

Digital Health

This week I had the pleasure to give a talk about big data/AI and digital health (buzzword bingo alert) at the Stanford Big Data in Precision Health Conference in Palo Alto. While most of the very interesting speakers spoke about technology and fascinating uses for data, I chose to take a somewhat different tack and […].

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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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Health Care for a Typical Working Family of Four in America Will Cost $28,166 in 2018

Health Populi

What could $28,166 buy you in 2018? A new car? A year of your child’s college education? A plot of land for your retirement home? Or a year of healthcare for a family of four? Welcome to this year’s edition of the Milliman Medical Index (MMI), one of the most important forecasts of the year in the world of the Health Populi blog and THINK-Health universe.

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API’s and the World of Continuous Integration in Healthcare

Electronic Health Reporter

This content is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. By Rahul Patel, EVP of digital products and services, Persistent Systems. There is a growing interest among healthcare organizations to leverage actionable analytics solutions to derive valuable insights from data. Advanced, AI-driven predictive modeling is working to build healthier populations that meet the demands of value-based care, and new digital experiences are reaching providers and […].

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Fitbit announces new partnerships, focus on chronic disease management, overall health

Mobi Health News

Fitbit has announced a slew of new digital health apps and clock faces that were born out of partnerships with major players such as Dexom, Humana, and Walgreens. The apps, which were built on Fitbit’s software development kit, are aimed at helping people manage chronic conditions and improving overall health.

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A Hippocratic Oath for technology


Modern technology needs to do better. This is the message delivered by every CEO after every Silicon Valley scandal in recent memory. This time, they should really do it. Medicine can show them how. Let's have the professionals building our future abide by industry-wide standards, just as doctors do. As both a startup founder and a physician, this idea makes intuitive sense to me.

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Five Steps to Picking the Right Partner to Succeed in Value-Based Care Delivery

Mobile Health Matters

The march toward value-based care has prompted a seemingly endless number of vendors to claim they have the ‘secret sauce’ that will help health systems and vendor partners succeed in an ever-evolving market. With so many options, decision-makers must separate false promises from real opportunities and identify the companies that will have staying power.

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HIPAA Compliance: Can Your Organization Avoid Costly Government Penalties and Fines?

Colington Consulting was established in 2013 and helps organizations achieve HIPAA compliance and ensures clients stay current with the latest enforcement trends. We provide a full range of HIPAA compliance services and consulting. What separates us from our competitors is our knowledge of HIPAA compliance regulations and their application to each of our client’s particular scenarios and requirements.

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How to Make Healthcare More Intelligent and Trustworthy: Accenture’s Digital Health Tech Vision 2018

Health Populi

“Do no harm” has been the professional and ethical mantra of physicians since the Hippocratic Oath was first uttered by medical students. The origins of that three-word objective probably came out of Hippocrates’ Corpus , which included a few additional words: “to do good or to do no harm.”. The proliferation and evolution of digital technologies in health care have the potential to do good or harm, depending on their application.

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Moving at the speed of Eugene Borukhovich, Bayer’s Global Head of Digital Health Innovation — Harlow On Healthcare

Health Blawg

I caught up recently with Eugene Borukhovich, aka @HealthEugene. Eugene is Global Head, Digital Health Incubation and Innovation at Bayer. He sees himself as standing at the crossroads of several streams of innovation and human endeavor – the intersection of digital and genomics, online engagement opportunities for patients and consumers, the life sciences perspective of “hacking our bodies from the inside,” and the health IT work being done to understand, aggregate and connect silos of data in

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What To Consider When Looking Into Cloud-Based EHR Software Systems

Electronic Health Reporter

This content is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. By Tim Scott, chief operating officer, American Medical Software. So you are having some difficulty deciding between cloud-based and client-server based EHR software – don’t worry, you are not alone. If you look at them side-by-side, they both certainly have their ups and downs. The determining factor ought to be how your practice operates.

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Amazon rumored to start Alexa-focused 'health & wellness' team

Mobi Health News

After Amazon inked a deal with JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway to focus on employee health in January, it was clear the tech giant would be investigating the healthcare arena.

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Ambiq’s neuralSPOT HeartKit™ enables Real-Time Heart Monitoring AI Applications

Ambiq®, a leading developer of ultra-low-power semiconductor solutions that deliver a multifold increase in energy efficiency, introduces HeartKit, its latest addition to neuralSPOT. This optimized AI model enables running various real-time heart monitoring applications to help users and their healthcare providers quickly identify any irregular events to take necessary actions.

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An old technique to detect atrial fibrillation via smartphone


When I was a cardiology fellow back in the 1980s, I learned about a variety of early tools for evaluating heart health that had been displaced by the modern standards of electrocardiography (ECG, or EKG for the Deutschephiles) and echocardiography. One such technique – ballistocardiography – stuck with me, and may be making a comeback. Ballistocardiography is based on the observation that the mechanical action of the heart leads to subtle.

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Health insurance CEOs earned $342.6M in 2017


We took a deep dive into financial filings of the country's top eight insurers to break down exactly how much CEOs brought home last year and how that compares to employee salaries.

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Re-Tweeting Sanofi’s Tweet: Inclusion Matters for Health, Wellness, and the Body Politic

Health Populi

The communications team at Sanofi, the France-based global pharmaceutical company, quickly responded to a tweet by Roseanne Barr issued this morning about how her use of Ambien was related to her offensive tweet lobbed yesterday on Twitter about Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s senior advisor. Barr’s comment on Twitter late last night was that, “I was ambien tweeting.” Ambien is Sanofi’s prescription drug used by patients to deal with insomnia and sleeplessness.

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Trump’s health chief channels boss’ combative approach

Morning eHealth

FDA clears AI tool for detecting wrist fractures — Watson layoffs at IBM

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The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Report

This report explores current issues in the behavioral health industry in 2023. Topics covered include quantitative statistics describing the overall increase in behavioral health issues, the impact of psychologist and staff burnout, how HIPAA compliance is once again at the top of our minds & much more!

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Health IT Startup: Shivom

Electronic Health Reporter

This content is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Unlocking the genomic code to usher in a new era of medical technology. Founders’ story The core Shivom team came together after numerous meetings at blockchain and genomics conferences. During these, we frequently reached conclusions on how to solve the current issues in the medical domain, by combining the bleeding-edge of blockchain technology with genomic […].

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In-Depth: Therapeutic VR in 2018 is no longer just a distraction (therapy)

Mobi Health News

Although it hasn’t yet established its place as a mainstream treatment modality, virtual reality has grown from an interesting diversion into a frequent topic of conversation within digital health.

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Blockchain technology can dramatically transform health care delivery


Blockchain technology has the potential to dramatically transform health care delivery by facilitating data exchange between providers and electronic health record (EHR) systems. A decentralized and transparent platform, blockchain technology provides an authenticated platform that applies a consensus-driven approach to facilitate the interaction of multiple entities through a shared ledger.

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4 million lose coverage as insurance gains under ACA start to reverse


Coverage gains made by the ACA are eroding as more Americans are now uninsured compared to 2016. The problem is likely to only get worse next year thanks to the GOP's repeal of the individual mandate.

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Patient Engagement & Cultural Competence Training Roadmap: A Guide to Reducing Staff Burnout

Speaker: Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, Patient Engagement and Cultural Competence Specialist

If you’re a healthcare provider, chances are you have experienced symptoms of burnout yourself or have colleagues who are currently facing extreme career dissatisfaction. One of the many ways to partially alleviate burnout is active patient engagement. By engaging with patients to understand their needs and preferences, healthcare providers can develop treatments tailored to the individual patient.

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The US Covered Nearly 50% of Global Oncology Medicine Spending in 2017 – a market update from IQVIA

Health Populi

“We are at a remarkable point of cancer treatment,” noted Murray Aitken, Executive Director, IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science, in a call with media this week. 2017 was a banner year of innovative drug launches in oncology, Aitken coined, with more drugs used more extensively, driving improved patient for people dealing with cancer.

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Experts chime in on VA's next steps for Cerner deal

Morning eHealth

Scholars say health IT can increase gap between haves and have-nots

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CMS’ Proposed PI Rule Changes Is A Good Start, But Does It Address Enough?

Electronic Health Reporter

This content is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. By Thanh Tran, CEO, Zoeticx. Federal healthcare organizations, such as CMS, have spent billions of dollars over the years trying to bridge the gap between medical data and quality patient care with interoperability requirements and data integration, the mesh used to try and bridge the gap.

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Study: Smartphone app effective in treating serious mental illness

Mobi Health News

A recent study published by Psychiatric Services found that mobile health interventions were as effective in treating patients with serious mental illness compared to an in-person group therapy.

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How to Battle Layoffs: The Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp

Facing layoffs in your organization? Support your team members' career transition with Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp: Custom Resume & LinkedIn Revamp + 6 Weeks of Career Coaching. Our certified resume writers will create job search-winning resumes and LinkedIn profiles while they work with a career coach to learn unique strategies to stand out, attract the right employers, automate their job search, and land their dream job.

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Nurses: The Force for Change

Mobile Health Matters

This week marks National Nurses Week in the U.S., both a celebration of the profession and an opportunity to educate the public about the role nurses play in healthcare and their communities. This year’s theme of “Nurses: Inspire, Innovate, Influence” highlights three concepts that overlap and reflect the innate role nurses play in patient care, as well as drawing attention to the personality types often drawn to nursing.

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Trump unveils 'American Patients First' plan to bring down drug costs 


President Donald Trump has unveiled the administration's policy plan to tackle the rising cost of drugs. The "American Patients First" blueprint builds on the president's 2019 budget proposal and calls for changes in Medicare Part D alongside a focus on price transparency.

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The Healthiest Communities Are Built on Education, Good Food, Mindfulness, and the Power of Love

Health Populi

Be the change you wish to see in the world, Gandhi has been attributed as saying. This sentiment was echoed by Lauren Singer last Friday 18th May as we brainstormed the social determinants of health and the factors that underpin healthy communities. Our Facebook Live session was convened by the Aetna Foundation, which sponsored research on the Healthiest Communities in 2018.