April, 2018

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Millennials demand telehealth in a move away from traditional primary care model

Mobi Health News

It is no secret that millennials are a driving force in society today, and a new survey shows that their demands and behaviors differ from baby boomer and Gen Xers, and could reshape the healthcare industry especially when it comes to primary care and telehealth.

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The Health of A Nation – Being Healthy In America Depends on Where You Live

Health Populi

In the US, when it comes to life and death, it’s good to live in Hawaii, Utah, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Iowa — the top five states with the greatest life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth in 2016. For health and longevity, sorry to see the lowest five ranked states are Washington DC which ranks last, along with Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Alabama.


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Going beyond killer apps: building a better mHealth evidence base

mHealth Insight

An interesting BMJ mHealth paper by David Peiris (Director of Health Systems Science) , J Jaime Mirand (Research Professor at the School of Medicine and Director of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia) and David C Mohr (Professor at The Feinberg School of Medicine). mHealth Insights. “mHealth relates to the provision of health-related services via a mobile device.

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The intensity of EMR warnings: Who do they really help?


Eons ago, there was a television show where a non-human character would yell out, "Warning, warning," when he sensed imminent danger. The series was called Lost in Space where we were entertained by a set of quirky characters on a cheesy set. We loved that stuff. It’s hard to imagine today’s millennials and younger folks being transfixed, as we were, with the deep television dramas of our day.

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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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New Tech Tonics Episode: Katherine Chou: How A Quintessential Googler Wraps Her (Deep) Mind Around Healthcare

Digital Health

Katherine Chou is in many ways the quintessential Googler – super smart, a passion for computer science, an engineer through and through. On today’s episode of Tech Tonics, we’ll learn how this rock star at Google decided to turn her talents to healthcare, and hear what she’s discovered about healthcare, and herself, along the way. […].

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In study, smartphone-based reader detects infections with clinical-level accuracy

Mobi Health News

Researchers at Washington State University have invented a new smartphone-based portable hardware and software platform for detecting 12 common viral and bacterial infections. The work was published in the journal Clinica Chimica Acta.

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Americans’ Trust in the Healthcare System Low Compared to Rest-of-World’s Health Citizens

Health Populi

In the U.S., trust in the healthcare industry declined by 9 percentage points in just one year, declining from 62% of people trusting — that’s roughly two-thirds of Americans — down to 53% — closer to one-half of the population. I covered the launch of the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer across all industries here in Health Populi in January 2018 , when this year’s annual report was presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos as it is each year.

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FDA wants to create a ‘go-team’ for medical device cybersecurity


The FDA is requesting Congressional funding and authority to create a medical device cybersecurity response team, a public-private partnership that can respond to incidents and investigate attacks. The team would be part of a $70 million request to advance digital health technology.

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Why blockchain technology might replace today’s EHRs


Physicians have a love-hate relationship with the electronic health record (EHR). On the one hand, doctors know they can't provide the best possible medical care without them. And on the other, today's EHR systems are cumbersome, clunky and slow physicians down. Indeed, there's much to love and much to hate about today's EHRs, alongside a variety of ways to address the problems they create.

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HIPAA Compliance: Can Your Organization Avoid Costly Government Penalties and Fines?

Colington Consulting was established in 2013 and helps organizations achieve HIPAA compliance and ensures clients stay current with the latest enforcement trends. We provide a full range of HIPAA compliance services and consulting. What separates us from our competitors is our knowledge of HIPAA compliance regulations and their application to each of our client’s particular scenarios and requirements.

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Digital Health: Caveat Emptor, Caveat Venditor, To Infinity and Beyond!

Digital Health

Caveat Emptor, Caveat Venditor. That is my official blog post foreshadowing. The digital health rocket seems to have gotten supercharged lately, at least when it comes to fundraising. Depending on who you ask, either $1.62 billion (Rock Health’s count) or $2.5 billion (Mercom) or $2.8 billion (Startup Health’s count) was plowed into digital health companies […].

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Short Takes at #HIMSS18 – Harlow On Healthcare

Health Blawg

While at the HIMSS annual conference this year I spoke with many healthcare technology company leaders. I am pleased to share some of those conversations here. This selection focuses on interoperability, the patient matching technology that undergirds aspects of interoperability, and the benefits of these technologies in the development of tools to manage patient journeys in a manner that engages patients, caregivers and providers as partners in care, advancing the quadruple aim.

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FDA's 2019 budget request cites digital health; agency rolls out medical device initiative

Mobi Health News

Digital health appears to be making its way onto the national stage. Yesterday, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb gave the field a shout-out in his remarks to the US House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development concerning the Fiscal Year 2019 budget request for the FDA.

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Five Ways Big Data is Advancing Telemedicine

Arizona Telemedicine Program

The way we view healthcare is changing—patients are starting to expect more convenient options and have access to more information about their health. New technology has helped telehealth become a reality for many patients without easy access to healthcare facilities h fill gaps in specialty care via telemedicine, and made it possible for patients to play a larger role in their own care.

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Ambiq’s neuralSPOT HeartKit™ enables Real-Time Heart Monitoring AI Applications

Ambiq®, a leading developer of ultra-low-power semiconductor solutions that deliver a multifold increase in energy efficiency, introduces HeartKit, its latest addition to neuralSPOT. This optimized AI model enables running various real-time heart monitoring applications to help users and their healthcare providers quickly identify any irregular events to take necessary actions.

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DEA opioid crackdown leads to arrests of 28 medical professionals


The Drug Enforcement Administration has arrested 28 medical professionals and revoked the licenses of 147 others to dispense controlled substances as part of a nationwide opioid crackdown promised by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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Betamax or VHS: EMRs are 100 times worse


I can’t help myself from telling patients how things really work in health care. But I feel they have a right to know. When I see new patients their jaw usually drops when I sit down with them next to the computer with a stack of papers held together with a rubber band or a gigantic clamp and with yellow sticky notes protruding here and there with words like LAB, ER, Read more.

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New twist in Shulkinology

Morning eHealth

Preview of week ahead — Never break the blockchain

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Five Technology Offerings for Older Adults -- April 2018

Aging in Place Technology Watch

April Showers, Innovation and Spring flowers. Tech companies and their partners continue to propel forward, with new ideas, innovations, products. Consider that April offered up the winners of the Stanford Design Challenge – a computer-integrated bicycle handle with blind spot warning and fall detection and emergency alert. Stay tuned for more innovation events upcoming, including the 2018 Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit in June.

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The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Report

This report explores current issues in the behavioral health industry in 2023. Topics covered include quantitative statistics describing the overall increase in behavioral health issues, the impact of psychologist and staff burnout, how HIPAA compliance is once again at the top of our minds & much more!

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Apple's EHR feature launched last week. Here's what that looks like for patients and providers

Mobi Health News

Last year Katherine Kaiser graduated from Stanford University, incidentally meaning she also “graduated” from the Stanford health system. It was time to shop around for new doctors in her area, but that meant her medical records would potentially be scattered across different healthcare systems.

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AZ Teen Dies After Battling DKA

Insulin Nation

An Arizona teenager died on Tuesday after battling Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) for several days. Alex DePriest was a senior at Desert Vista High School, who planned to attend Arizona State University in the fall. Having lived with Type 1 diabetes since fifth grade, she was inspired to study nursing. Her father told another news outlet that she passionately wanted to help others.

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Patients prefer the doctor without the computer, MD Anderson researchers find


Take the computer out of the exam room and patients perceive the doctor as more compassionate and professional with better communication skills. That’s the finding of a study by researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, published in JAMA Oncology.

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Reaching everyone, everywhere: Better access to care with telehealth


Thomas Yaw Berko rides an old bicycle 30km each way to reach some of the communities he works in as a volunteer health worker in southern Ghana. For the.

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Patient Engagement & Cultural Competence Training Roadmap: A Guide to Reducing Staff Burnout

Speaker: Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, Patient Engagement and Cultural Competence Specialist

If you’re a healthcare provider, chances are you have experienced symptoms of burnout yourself or have colleagues who are currently facing extreme career dissatisfaction. One of the many ways to partially alleviate burnout is active patient engagement. By engaging with patients to understand their needs and preferences, healthcare providers can develop treatments tailored to the individual patient.

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IHE on FHIR tutorial

Healthcare Exchange Standards

I will be giving a face-to-face tutorial on the topic of "IHE on FHIR" at both HL7 Workgroup meeting in Cologne, May 12-18 FHIR Dev Days in Boston, June 19-21 So, if you are in Europe, sign up for the tutorial at HL7 workgroup meeting. If you are in the USA, sign up for the tutorial at FHIR Dev Days. There is a difference in time available to me. At the FHIR Dev Days I will need to focus only on the IHE Profiles available from IHE that leverage FHIR.

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Therapists Building Trust and Rapport Over the Phone

Telebehavioral Health Institute

How Therapists Can Build Trust and Rapport Over the Phone Research shows that clients with substance use disorders (SUDs) who enjoy a good rapport with their therapist are more motivated to take an active role in their plan of treatment … Read more. The post Therapists Building Trust and Rapport Over the Phone appeared first on TBH Institute Blog.

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Nvidia looks to AI for the future of medical imaging technologies

Mobi Health News

The name Nvidia usually creates a synapse to the video game industry — or more recently the self-driving car business. But now the computer hardware company is looking to get a foothold in the healthcare industry. Last month at the GPU Technology Conference the company revealed plans for a new AI platform called Clara, which will use AI to create a virtual medical imaging platform.

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Mother: DKA Doesn’t Mean Neglect

Insulin Nation

We recently reported on the tragic death of Arizona teenager Alex DePriest, who had been in DKA for several days. A friend of the family, Kim Hrvatin, talked to Insulin Nation about how this tragedy is hitting close to home. Not only was her daughter close friends with Alex, her son has Type 1 diabetes. In fact, he was hospitalized with DKA over the same weekend.

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How to Battle Layoffs: The Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp

Facing layoffs in your organization? Support your team members' career transition with Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp: Custom Resume & LinkedIn Revamp + 6 Weeks of Career Coaching. Our certified resume writers will create job search-winning resumes and LinkedIn profiles while they work with a career coach to learn unique strategies to stand out, attract the right employers, automate their job search, and land their dream job.

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Cleveland Clinic's path to a better patient experience began with a focus on empathy


At Cleveland Clinic, a positive patient experience starts with a little empathy. The health system forged a path to better patient satisfaction by encouraging its clinicians to put themselves into patients' shoes.

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Must Do By Midnight: Comment On NIH Plan For Handling ALL Health Data!

Society for Participatory Medicine

Guest post by SPM member Francie Grace. Here’s a last minute Important item for your Monday To Do list. Spotted in a reminder tweet Friday from former U.S. Chief Data Scientist D.J. Patil (@dpatil): Hey data scientists, just a few days to give the @NIH @NIHDataScience @NIHDirector your feedback on their approach to data science. I’ve got my letter ready to send in.

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AmWell and 19Labs Partner for Point of Care Solutions

19 Labs

19Labs, the creator of GALE Telehealth 2.0 point of care solutions, today announced a new partnership to offer AmWell customers access to GALE Kiosks and Tablets solutions. Together, the companies will enable employers, schools and nursing facilities a full comprehensive remote examination and also the ability to create branded, customizable and affordable Telehealth 2.0 experience. 19Labs GALE, powered by AmWell, offers customers a friendly, inviting experience with full virtual visits securely