Sat.Aug 31, 2019 - Fri.Sep 06, 2019

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How much is AI really moving the needle on health?

Digital Leaders HealthTech

When it comes to health and wellness, most people have a similar goal: we want to live a healthier, longer , and happier life. Thanks to antibiotics, vaccines, medical imaging, and other technological breakthroughs, we’ve already made major strides. So it’s perhaps no surprise that all eyes are now on the transformative innovation of this century: AI.

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Can entrepreneurial geriatrics fight ageism in health care?


Ageism in health care abounds. Older adults are often overtreated or undertreated for various conditions. The presence of things like fatigue, chronic pain, arthritis, and even cognitive impairment are often accepted as "normal" parts of aging — by physicians and patients alike — despite the fact that many are preventable. According to a recent opinion […].


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Are Robot Caregivers Part of the Future of Care?

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Jane Byrne, care project coordinator, Firstcare. As technology advances, robots might be able to fill in the gaps when it comes to caring for the elderly in the near future. According to films such as “Robot and Frank,” robots might be used as caregivers in the near future.

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Surprising Number of Healthcare Employees Have No Cybersecurity Training

Healthcare IT Today

This week, the news broke that a data breach at the neurology department at Massachusetts General Hospital had exposed private health information on nearly 10,000 people. According to a story appearing in the Boston Globe, an authorized third party got to data stored in software used by MGH researchers. What’s most remarkable about incidents like […].

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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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How Consumerization Is Moving Healthcare — and Its Technology — Forward

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By George Mathew, chief medical officer, North America, DXC Technology. Consumer technology has given rise to 21st century digital citizens who are reinventing their lifestyles ? one smart device at a time. They are also reinventing healthcare. The 21st century digital citizen monitors their daily calorie intake, sleep patterns and heart rate during exercise.


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Digital Health: Show Me the Money? Evidence? Door?

Digital Health

This week I had the good fortune to return to Dublin, Ireland and see many of my international colleagues and friends who are associated in one way or another with HealthXL, the digital health intelligence platform and expert community, and Health Beacon, a very cool medication adherence company focused on specialty pharma. Health Beacon hosted […].

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How telemedicine intersects with AI, social media, and precision medicine


Telemedicine will eventually become a more prominent part of our clinical practice, with the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and social media and networks, and integration with precision medicine in electronic health records. As clinicians and scientists, we should be thinking about where and how these four innovative strategies intersect, so that we can continue […].

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How Whirlpool’s #CareCounts Campaign Bolsters a Key Social Determinant of Health

Health Populi

Did you know that September is Attendance Awareness month ? Me, neither. But reading one of last Sunday’s national newspapers, I noticed a full-page ad that read, “Whirlpool is helping keep kids in schools with washers and dryers.” Reading further on, the copy called out two data points making the point about laundry and education: One in five students don’t have access to clean clothes, making them more likely to miss school; and.

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Singapore is the third most sleep deprived after Japan and India, Fitbit’s data indicates

Mobi Health News

The company has collected more than 10.5 billion nights of sleep data over the years, which helped them to provide insights on Singaporean users.

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HIPAA Compliance: Can Your Organization Avoid Costly Government Penalties and Fines?

Colington Consulting was established in 2013 and helps organizations achieve HIPAA compliance and ensures clients stay current with the latest enforcement trends. We provide a full range of HIPAA compliance services and consulting. What separates us from our competitors is our knowledge of HIPAA compliance regulations and their application to each of our client’s particular scenarios and requirements.

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3 Ways Care Coordination Saves Your Healthcare Organization Money

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Steve Simmons, marketing and business analysis manager, eCare Vault. Care coordination by definition is a strategy that is focused on bringing together the multiple parties of a patient’s care team to knock down barriers of communication in order to enable the best outcomes for your patients.

eCare 148
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Healthdirect Australia partners with Coviu to power its video consulting service

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

Healthdirect Australia , a national public health information service in the country, recently announced that it will be working with home-grown telehealth startup Coviu, to power its government-funded healthdirect Video Call service. Video Call has been developed by Healthdirect Australia to make it easy for healthcare providers to offer their services via video consultation.

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Celebrating “Labor Day” Welcoming Natalist to Our Health Ecosystem

Health Populi

There are many definitions of the word, “labor.” Oxford Dictionary provides context for the definition as follows: To work, as in especially hard physical work. To make great effort (as in, “laboring from dawn to dusk”). To have difficulty in doing something despite working hard. For this third point, Oxford offers these synonyms: “strive, struggle, endeavor, try hard, do one’s best, do all one can, go all out, fight, push, be at pains, put oneself out.”

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From meditation to lab testing, can consumer digital health promote 'biohacking'?

Mobi Health News

Representatives from Oura Ring, Arc Fusion, FitnessGenes, Everlywell and Headspace will take the stage at Health 2.0 to demo products and discuss the future of consumer-focused digital health.

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Ambiq’s neuralSPOT HeartKit™ enables Real-Time Heart Monitoring AI Applications

Ambiq®, a leading developer of ultra-low-power semiconductor solutions that deliver a multifold increase in energy efficiency, introduces HeartKit, its latest addition to neuralSPOT. This optimized AI model enables running various real-time heart monitoring applications to help users and their healthcare providers quickly identify any irregular events to take necessary actions.

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How Online Tools Can Help Fight an Opioid Addiction

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. With the sheer number of people who have fallen victim to the opioid epidemic, friends and family may be left with many unanswered questions and feelings of helpless about what to do when they notice suspect their loved one may have an addiction. The abuse of opioids is not a recent phenomenon as it has […].

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CPT changes in 2020 include new codes to allow doctors to bill for digital health


The American Medical Association released updates to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for 2020, including new codes to keep doctors up-to-date with new technology.

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EHRs More Frequently Factor Into Medical Malpractice Claims, Study Finds

hea!thcare innovation - Clinical IT

While the technology systems are unlikely to be the primary cause of claims, they have become a more prevalent source of risk over the years

EHR 98
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Virtual behavioral health startup Ginger scores $35M in new funding

Mobi Health News

WP Global Partners led the round with participation from City Light Capital, Nimble Ventures, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, Khosla Ventures, Kaiser Permanente Ventures and Kapor Capital.

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The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Report

This report explores current issues in the behavioral health industry in 2023. Topics covered include quantitative statistics describing the overall increase in behavioral health issues, the impact of psychologist and staff burnout, how HIPAA compliance is once again at the top of our minds & much more!

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It’s Time to Stop Overthinking Telehealth: Simplicity and Convenience Are the Key When Evaluating Video Platforms

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Michael Morgan, CEO, Updox. Whether it’s using FaceTime to catch up with friends across the country or web conferencing in the workplace to save the time and cost associated with business travel, video has become pervasive in almost every aspect of our everyday life.

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Why is healthcare so expensive? This Johns Hopkins surgeon might have the answers


In Marty Makary's latest book, "The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care—and How to Fix It," the Johns Hopkins surgeon hits every segment of the market as he explains what's driving U.S. healthcare costs to skyrocket.

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Awardees Honored for Contributions to Digital Health

South Central Telehealth Resource Center

Sept. 4, 2019 | The UAMS-led South Central Telehealth Resource Center recently presented three awards to honor those for their work building networks for and advocacy of digital medicine. The awards were presented at the South Central Telehealth Forum, held Aug. 19 and 20 in Nashville, Tennessee. The resource center serves Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.

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Helsinki's digital services creates tools for seniors to stay in their homes

Mobi Health News

The remote care tools are also helping tackle problems of loneliness with virtual group programs.

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The Secret to Supercharging Your Organizations Communications

Effective collaboration among all care team members is critical to delivering better patient outcomes. A key element to achieving effective collaboration is through the implementation of a clinical communication and collaboration platform. In a fast-paced, high-stress and critical environment, people tend to do whatever gets the job done. Therefore will scramble and use the systems, people, or processes around them to get an outcome more quickly - which can often be at the expense of quality.

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Data Trends In Healthcare Informatics

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Adrian Johansen, freelance writer; @AdrianJohanse18. Without a doubt, data is the driving force for innovation within healthcare. It has allowed for processes to be streamlined, busy work to be automated, and medical professionals to have more time with their patients.

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Nearly 30 Texas-based hospitals sue J&J, Purdue, CVS and more over opioid epidemic


A group of 29 Texas-based hospitals have sued major opioid manufacturers and distributors such as Johnson & Johnson, Purdue Pharmaceuticals and CVS Health for their role in the opioid crisis.

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Healthcare Value Unbounded

Healthcare IT Today

Creating a high-value conversation about Healthcare with Kathleen Aller at the Healthcare Leadership Conference by InterSystems. Kathleen Aller is on a mission to enable conversations between leaders in healthcare and information technology at InterSystems’ annual Global Summit in Boston later this month. In order to focus on problems rather than products, Aller and her team […].

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Helsinki's digital services create tools for seniors to stay in their homes

Mobi Health News

The remote care tools are also helping tackle problems of loneliness with virtual group programs.

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Patient Engagement & Cultural Competence Training Roadmap: A Guide to Reducing Staff Burnout

Speaker: Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, Patient Engagement and Cultural Competence Specialist

If you’re a healthcare provider, chances are you have experienced symptoms of burnout yourself or have colleagues who are currently facing extreme career dissatisfaction. One of the many ways to partially alleviate burnout is active patient engagement. By engaging with patients to understand their needs and preferences, healthcare providers can develop treatments tailored to the individual patient.

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New Study Highlights Locum Tenens Growing As A Healthcare Business Strategy

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. announced the results of its study, Locum Tenens Engagements: Strategies, Usage and General Attitudes. The 2019 survey measures the perception and attitudes of hundreds of clinicians and healthcare executives and administrators across the United States about healthcare industry issues, priorities and staffing solutions.

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Is that medical device interoperable? Center for Medical Interoperability program will verify it.


Nashville-based nonprofit the Center for Medical Interoperability is launching an industry-wide verification program to confirm medical device interoperability. The project, called C4MI Verified, will test and verify medical devices to determine compliance with selected interoperability specification requirements, the Center announced Wednesday morning.

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Side-by-Side Comparison Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin Nation

If you’ve ever been less than clear on the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, you aren’t alone. Even some people who have diabetes struggle to understand what makes these two diseases different. It doesn’t help that there are, indeed, quite a few similarities between the two or that they have deceivingly similar names. But T1D and T2D are actually very different diseases, with different causes, treatments, and outlooks.