November, 2019

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EHR Training Improves Physician Satisfaction & Physicians Don’t Want to Make Time for EHR Training

Healthcare IT Today

While at the CHIME 2019 Fall Forum conference in Phoenix, AZ, I had a great chance to sit in on one of the CIO focus groups at the event hosted by Optimum Healthcare IT. The session discussed a wide variety of topics including EHR optimization, EHR training, and other related topics. While listening to these […].

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AI: opportunities and barriers to improving healthcare

Digital Leaders HealthTech

The advancement of AI and machine learning in providing better healthcare is already on the rise across the UK. Increasingly clinicians are conscious that machine or automation-based healthcare enable a host of benefits due to the many innovative projects that are underway. The NHS’ long-term plan has ambitions to drive its digital transformation to maximise the very practical benefits AI can provide.


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Voice to text solutions could turn EHR-burdened medical professionals into doctors again


Just imagine the following: your assistant invites in Ms. Nichols, who has a migraine, a bad cough, and feels nauseated. You sit down, start talking about the symptoms, see her throat, measure her temperature, pulse rate, inquire more about the headache. In the end, you set up a diagnosis, you write a prescription for some […]. Find jobs at Careers by

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Opinion: ePublic Health - Where tradition meets innovation

Mobi Health News

Vasileios Nittas, doctoral candidate at the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich, looks at the impact of social media and digital self-tracking tools on public health.

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The Cost of Inefficient Communication in Home Care & Beyond

This eBook explores the critical issues of using consumer-grade messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS in healthcare, especially home care. It highlights the negative impacts on patient care quality, data security, and HIPAA compliance and provides practical solutions to enhance communication efficiency! You will learn how to: Consolidate Messaging Platforms: Streamline communication by reducing the use of multiple apps, improving efficiency in patient care.

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Most Health Consumers Expect Technology To Play a Larger Role As Tech-Angst & Privacy Concerns Grow

Health Populi

As technology continues to re-shape consumers’ experiences and expectations with health/care, retail, travel and work, peoples’ concerns about data privacy are also growing as observed by a 2020 consumer trends forecast from GlobalWebIndex, Connecting the dots. First, some overall context to the study. GlobalWebIndex “connects the dots” of consumers trends in 2020 including the topics shown in the first graphic including commerce and retail, gaming, travel, human touch, n

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Patient experience is evolving as providers embrace telehealth

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

More and more patients are able to take advantage of remote consults and other virtual care options as health systems have begun pursuing telehealth programs in earnest, new HIMSS Media research shows. WHY IT MATTERS. That's not necessarily to say that many patients – and, indeed, many providers – don't still prefer old-fashioned, in-person, one-on-one doctor-patient consults.

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Major Misconceptions About Machine Learning In Healthcare

Healthcare IT Today

Over the past few years, as some standout use cases began to emerge, enthusiasm for AI has grown among health leaders, to the point where you’ll hear little but positive thoughts about AI’s potential benefits. Now that interest in AI has moved almost entirely into the mainstream, it’s probably time to look at areas in […].

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The healing patient-physician analog relationship is in critical condition


In the history of medical care, medical records served one purpose and two masters: to record diagnosis and treatment for physicians to refer to and for patients to use to transfer care when they desired. The medical record was a simple 3 x 5 or ledger card in the 1950s. The patient paid directly for […]. Find jobs at Careers by Search thousands of physician, PA, NP, and CRNA jobs now.

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We Should Keep An Eye On Healthcare AI Medical Liability Risks

Healthcare IT Today

Today, most health IT leaders seem sold on the potential healthcare AI deployment can offer, as its benefits are becoming clearer every day. It’s becoming almost a no-brainer to believe that AI can do great things for the practice of predictive analytics, for example. In a recent survey by medical malpractice insurer The Doctors Company, […].

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HIPAA Compliance: Can Your Organization Avoid Costly Government Penalties and Fines?

Colington Consulting was established in 2013 and helps organizations achieve HIPAA compliance and ensures clients stay current with the latest enforcement trends. We provide a full range of HIPAA compliance services and consulting. What separates us from our competitors is our knowledge of HIPAA compliance regulations and their application to each of our client’s particular scenarios and requirements.

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Google demos its EHR-like clinical documentation tool

Mobi Health News

News of the tool, currently in clinical pilots, comes a week after reports circulated that Google was working with healthcare system Ascension on a controversial project involving patient data.

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Art As Medicine – WHO Weaves the Evidence for Arts’ Role in Improving Health

Health Populi

“What’s the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being?” asks a report from the World Health Organization ‘s Europe region team (WHO-Europe). There’s a lot of proof supporting arts-as-medicine, WHO details in this paper, which synthesizes research published in over 3,000 studies. The first chart illustrates the logic model that bridges arts to health in three segments: “Components” of arts programs, including but not limited to c

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5 EHR Trends To Watch In 2020

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Kayla Matthews, freelance journalist, Productivity Bytes. Although electronic health records (EHR) are firmly established in the medical landscape, ongoing progress necessitates that providers keep up with emerging trends. Here are five of them. 1.

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VA sees a surge in veterans' use of telehealth services

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has announced a 17 percent jump in telehealth visits compared with the previous fiscal year, and says the VA delivered more than 2.6 million episodes of telehealth care in FY 2019. WHY IT MATTERS. The VA report revealed more than 900,000 veterans used the agency's telehealth services in 2019, with their use of the VA Video Connect app, which connects Veterans to their care teams through a secure video session, jumping 235% in the same period.

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Ambiq’s neuralSPOT HeartKit™ enables Real-Time Heart Monitoring AI Applications

Ambiq®, a leading developer of ultra-low-power semiconductor solutions that deliver a multifold increase in energy efficiency, introduces HeartKit, its latest addition to neuralSPOT. This optimized AI model enables running various real-time heart monitoring applications to help users and their healthcare providers quickly identify any irregular events to take necessary actions.

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Amazon rolls out new Alexa feature to let consumers refill prescriptions


Amazon is rolling out medication reminders as a new feature of its Alexa device in partnership with pharmacy chain Giant Eagle. The new feature, announced Tuesday, could be the first step in the tech giant's broader effort to use the voice assistant to help consumers manage their medications.

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Five new health and caregiving technologies November 2019

Aging in Place Technology Watch

LeadingAge in San Diego and more. Entrepreneurs clearly see the opportunity for providing tech-enabled services to help care for older adults. Large events like Leading Age, Argentum, and sub-events within CES and HIMSS all point to the business potential that draws startups as well as new offerings from existing players – in what may become an increasingly crowded market.

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Roundup: 16 digital health studies, pilots and reviews from AHA 2019

Mobi Health News

From mobile ECGs to tele-rehabilitation to defibrillator delivery drones, a range of new data was on display at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2019.

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A Tale of Two Americas as Told by the 2019 OECD Report on Health

Health Populi

It was the best of times, It was the worst of times, It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, …. starts Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities. . That’s what came to my mind when reading the latest global health report from the OECD, Health at a Glance 2019 , which compares the United States to other nations’ health care outcomes, risk factors, access metrics, and spending.

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The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Report

This report explores current issues in the behavioral health industry in 2023. Topics covered include quantitative statistics describing the overall increase in behavioral health issues, the impact of psychologist and staff burnout, how HIPAA compliance is once again at the top of our minds & much more!

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TigerConnect Surveys Confirm The Broken State of Communication In Healthcare

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. TigerConnect released its annual “State of Healthcare Communications” report, a survey of healthcare leaders and patients detailing the pervasive challenges in healthcare communications. The survey confirmed the fragmented state of communication in healthcare – with many organizations still heavily reliant on landline phones, fax machines, and pagers, and the adoption of modern communication techn

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The impact of digital transformation in hospital care

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

Today’s healthcare system is facing many challenges globally, including growing aging populations, a rise in chronic conditions and co-morbidities, and increasing constraints on the healthcare workforce. As the industry works towards achieving the quadruple aim to help address these issues – the goal of better patient outcomes and improved patient and clinician experiences, all at a lower cost – there is a great need to optimise resources and increase efficiencies.

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Physician depression linked to medical errors, new study finds


Physicians who have symptoms of depression are at a greater risk of making medical errors, according to a new study. Researchers did a systematic review and meta-analysis of 11 studies involving more than 21,500 physicians and found doctors who screened positive for depression were highly likely to report medical errors, according to the study published in JAMA Network Open.

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Google’s partnership alarms patients, privacy advocates, HHS

Morning eHealth

Colorado opens up new front in PDMP privacy fight — Research data policies bloom

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Patient Engagement & Cultural Competence Training Roadmap: A Guide to Reducing Staff Burnout

Speaker: Dr. Mauvareen Beverley, Patient Engagement and Cultural Competence Specialist

If you’re a healthcare provider, chances are you have experienced symptoms of burnout yourself or have colleagues who are currently facing extreme career dissatisfaction. One of the many ways to partially alleviate burnout is active patient engagement. By engaging with patients to understand their needs and preferences, healthcare providers can develop treatments tailored to the individual patient.

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Head of Fitbit Health Solutions talks payer strategy, evolution of health products

Mobi Health News

MobiHealthNews sat down with Amy McDonough, senior vice presidnet & general manager of Fitbit Health Solutions prior to the news that Google was set to acquire Fitbit.

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New Flu Treatment for People with Diabetes

Insulin Nation

For the average person, the flu might be no big deal — but for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the flu can be devastating. (This is why, by the way, you should get your flu shot! And if you don’t have diabetes, you should still get your flu shot to minimize your risk of passing it on to people with diabetes!). In addition to receiving your flu-shot, a new drug — Xofluza — has been approved by the FDA to treat patients in “high-risk” populations who get the flu.

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User-Centric Design: The Key to Health IT Innovation

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Kali Durgampudi, chief technology, innovation officer, Greenway Health. Like so many industries in today’s Third Industrial Revolution, the pace of innovation in healthcare today is fast and ever-changing. New technologies – like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and voice recognition – are at the heart of applications […].

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Using tech to create precision and personalized population health

Healthcare IT News - Telehealth

Primary topic: Population Health Disable Auto Tagging: Short Headline: Using tech to create precision and personalized population health Featured Decision Content: Region Tag: Global Edition

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How to Battle Layoffs: The Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp

Facing layoffs in your organization? Support your team members' career transition with Career Star Accelerator Bootcamp: Custom Resume & LinkedIn Revamp + 6 Weeks of Career Coaching. Our certified resume writers will create job search-winning resumes and LinkedIn profiles while they work with a career coach to learn unique strategies to stand out, attract the right employers, automate their job search, and land their dream job.

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Why Walgreens wants to help consumers get better sleep


Walgreens executive Giovanni Monti, who leads the company’s health services, has a keen interest in how pharmacists can deliver health outcomes by extending their role to broader healthcare. Monti, who also leads healthcare innovation at parent company Walgreens Boots Alliance, believes pharmacists can do this by engaging with customers and patients, not just in pharmacies and stores but digitally as well.

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How Looking Down At Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Spine

Health and Wellness Blog | Uplifting People To Live A Healthier Life

Looking down at your phones constantly puts pressure on your neck and spine, and isn’t good for your health. According to a spine surgeon, it is like having a 60-pounds of extra weight on your cervical spine. People are so dependent on their phones these days that they easily forget to keep track of their […]. The post How Looking Down At Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Spine appeared first on Healthystic.

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Patient co-creation is a tall, but worthwhile, order for health innovators

Mobi Health News

At last months' Connected Health Conference, payer, pharma, and patient stakeholders discussed the value — and potential pitfalls — of involving patients in all parts of the innovation process.