Trayt's new app to help people with neurodevelopmental disorders track symptoms

By Laura Lovett
11:24 am

Data analytics startup Trayt is launching a new app that helps patients living with neurodevelopmental and brain disorders, as well as their caregivers, track behavioral and non-behavioral symptoms. The app has a comorbid rating scale, as well as measurements of how effective treatments are. It can also give progress reports and provides users with actionable insights. 

“As a parent of a child with a multi-system neurological disorder, I’ve experienced firsthand the defeated feeling of walking out of a doctor’s appointment after being redirected time and time again to see a new physician to treat a new symptom,” Malekeh Amini, founder and CEO of Trayt, said in a statement. “Instead of considering whether these conditions were related or causal, they were treated individually and the coordination and care in between was completely left up to me. Trayt was designed to treat patients holistically and to date, our team has received tremendous support from the medical community and from users in our pilot program; a true testament to the significance of the challenges we are trying to solve and the ability of our solution to address those challenges. The public launch of our application is an incredible milestone towards achieving our goal of transforming the system of care in brain-based disorders and improving patient outcomes.”

The startup is geared towards the needs of patients with autism, ADHD, and other brain disorders. Trayt’s also has a web-based platform with interfaces for parents, physicians, and therapists. 

The parents’ dashboard gives caregivers a place to centralize care for their child. It provides parents with the tools to track their child's progress, identify triggers, share data, and coordinate care, all with the goal of improving outcomes. 

For physicians, the platform can be used to access a patient's health data as it progresses. The platform also gives doctors analytics tools that enable customized patient reports, which aims to improve the quality and efficiency of patients visits and highlight areas that need attention, according to the website. The platform uses artificial intelligence and other analytics to help translate patients' data. 

Therapists also have an interface that can be used to help collaborate care with doctors, track progress and early interventions, and create time-based progress reports. 

Apps aimed to help people with autism have moved into the mainstream. In fact, in February Cognoa’s machine learning app for pediatric behavioral health got the FDA nod as a Class 2 diagnostic medical device for autism. Other apps for autism include tools for helping with symptoms and diagnostics

Trayt has finished a pilot with patients and clinicians, and plans to have peer-reviewed studies in the future. 

“I’ve seen the frustration on parents’ faces when their children are receiving fragmented care from different specialists. To address this, the medical field requires access to real world, proven data that can demonstrate how children with multiple diagnoses should be treated,” Dr. Carl Feinstein, chief medical officer at Trayt, said in a statement. “With access to more sophisticated data analytics and bioinformatics capabilities, the medical field is ripe for innovation and integration. Parents should feel empowered to take control and champion the personalized care of their children.”
