What role does digital Innovation have in the new Integrated NHS?

Digital technology has presented itself as an additional layer of reality that connects everyone, everywhere and at any time through various digital mediums.

Suppose we place this in the context of health and social care. In that case, we begin to realize that the role of digital innovation can be vast and significantly impactful when it comes to treatment patient demographics.

More specifically, digital innovation will allow the integration of digital technologies into all areas of health and social care, ranging from simple administrative tasks to complex diagnostic capabilities for long-term conditions.

It enables the modernization of current systems and accelerated workflow while increasing efficiency and service prviding on all levels of healthcare services.

These benefits have already been recognized by the government, which has outlined the NHS Long Term Plan which seeks to make the NHS a leader in technological innovation by 2024. Within this plan, we see clear indications of how digital innovation can influence the new integrated NHS. These are:

  1. Universal digital access to NHS services – This will be created through the development of the NHS app that all individuals can access through their mobile devices to send enquiries, book appointments and access private data.
  2. Allow clinicians to access and interact with patient health records– Initiatives such as electronic health records will be stored in secure data vaults for clinicians to access without needing to deal with archaic storage systems.
  3. Creating predictive algorithms to support local health systems– With region-wide patient data pointsbeing recorded, Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) will be able to identify trends and patterns within their locality and implement preemptive strategies to manage emergent issues.
  4. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven data collection– As its name suggests, machine learning and AI will significantly reduce clinicians’ administrative burden, which will empower them to focus more on their practice instead of administrative tasks impacting their ability to treat patients.
  5. Opening the Healthcare IT industry to innovators and software developers– With the new digital transformation set forth by the Long Term Plan, the tech industry has begun to recognize the increase in demand for innovative technologies to be developed for healthcare settings. This novel demand will drive new innovation and collaboration to solve pressing issues in health and treatment.

One prominent theme frequently mentioned when discussing the role of digital transformation is how it will transform the current IT systems that have been reported as outdated and inefficient.

This is significant as thousands of patients and care services depend on unreliable technology that reduces the impact of treatment and service delivery. As a result, many individuals in need do not receive the relevant treatment they deserve.

Ultimately, digital innovation will not only be influential to the development of the NHS, but it is a fundamental cornerstone that needs to be fulfilled to address pressing issues within the current context of healthcare delivery. This entails that the NHS must be prompt in achieving an effective digital transformation through innovative means.

However, this poses a huge challenge with many complex obstacles that must be overcome to achieve this outcome.

For true digital integration to be achieved, the government must account for transformation nationwide, which demands substantial financial investments in novel IT systems and other digital technologies.

Here, the archaic IT infrastructure is making the integration of innovative technologies inherently tricky. For full digital integration, all NHS systems must comply with the digital infrastructure proposed within the Long-Term Plan.

Hence, if we fail to replace outdated systems, this will create pockets of uncompliant devices that will render full interoperability impossible. This refers to a state where digital system will be able to work together within and across nationwide facilities to provide effective delivery and communication which is only possible if there is complete digital inclusion.

Suppose healthcare services can overcome this major hurdle. This will open the market for technology providers to meet the significant demand for innovation and integration within national healthcare services.

The NHS is indeed going through a digital transformation, and new innovative technologies are needed more than ever. However, will we be able to overcome the significant obstacles and hurdles that lay in the way of true integration? Or will we remain burdened by the archaic systems that reduce healthcare delivery for individuals in need?

Navigating the digital transformation path and answering these key questions are what drives us here at HIC as we work closely with our extensive network of innovative health tech developers and healthcare provider organisations to shape and mould their digital journeys, ensuring they enrich the delivery of care and improve health outcomes for patients. We have decades of industry expertise and knowledge of delivering health tech in the UK and are always excited about what the future holds for healthcare in England and across the world.

HIC is more than just a consultancy. We provide organisations with the know-how and tools to develop and implement healthcare technologies. For more information or a conversation, please contact us today!