What Does ChatGPT Know About Selecting a Telehealth Vendor?

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Blog

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ChatGPT is all the rage right now, and everyone seems to be turning to it for help. Given the fact that this program functions by sweeping the internet for useful information, it only makes sense to see what ChatGPT knows about selecting a telehealth technology vendor.

We put it to the test and are excited to share how accurate we think the results are.

What Are the Challenges Telehealth Decision-Makers Face, According to ChatGPT?

One of the most significant hurdles that ChatGPT found is that there are so many telehealth vendors in this space that it is hard to navigate to the best solution. A poll AMD conducted through social channels aligns with this finding, with 36% of respondents echoing this exact sentiment. The cost of telehealth solutions was cited by 27% of survey takers as a hindrance to selecting telehealth vendors, which was another challenge that ChatGPT was able to pinpoint.

Another 18% of those surveyed found that there are compatibility issues with existing systems and workflows, not to mention ongoing data security and HIPAA compliance issues. ChatGPT agrees, and both the generative AI tool and our poll also identified problems with quality, reliability, and support (18%) being yet another key factor in selecting the right telehealth vendor.

Regrettably, these challenges are all too familiar to most business technologists when assessing telehealth solutions. So it is imperative to create a well-thought-out plan for the criteria you will look for in a telehealth vendor first and foremost to make sure they can be a true partner in your endeavor.

Telehealth Vendor Selection Challenges

To address the problem of having too many telehealth vendors to choose from, it is critically important to know the right questions to ask. Try not to get distracted by the features that each one offers. Instead, vet potential telehealth solutions providers by determining if their business priorities align with your organization’s. Some key questions to ask include:

  • How long does it take to launch? Finding a solution matching your timeline can eliminate extra stress for your staff and patients. It is essential that you factor in the time it will take to train your team on the new technology.
  • How much does it cost? Having a better understanding of the upfront, user, and maintenance costs associated with their solutions can help you determine whether they will be a good fit for your company. It is wise to ask for setup and training to be included in the quote as well when asking about the cost of telehealth.
  • What type of workflow is necessary for the technology to perform optimally? Consider whether a telehealth vendor’s technology streamlines and automates procedures, allowing more time for doctor-patient interactions. When evaluating partners, ensure that integrating solutions like AMD AGNES Connect supports clinical needs without disrupting existing workflows.
  • What type of in-house training and support is offered? To ensure quality patient care, prioritize finding a telehealth vendor that understands your organization’s needs and can customize the training accordingly. Ask site-specific questions and consider how telehealth technology can benefit your staff without increasing their workload. Choose wisely to reap the advantages of telehealth innovations.

The vendor’s grasp of knowledge should extend beyond technology to fully encompass the healthcare industry. They will need to know how to make the transition as smooth as possible for you and be armed with the experience, knowledge, information, and equipment to do so.

Physician speaking with patient

Addressing Compatibility Concerns

When it comes to selecting and integrating telehealth software, preparation is essential. It is crucial that you take the time to sit down with the leaders from the administration, IT, operations, and even the clinical team. You will want to discuss the individual needs of each department before developing more site-specific questions to ask.

Given the fact that disruptions can cause serious problems for clinicians and patients, it is important to find out everything that you need to know about the implementation process and how well the software is designed for use with existing systems and workflows. HIPAA-compliant telehealth software like AMD AGNES Connect has the ability to automate the collection and documentation of vitals while improving data accuracy, minimizing the potential for mistakes, and saving around three minutes for every patient. This allows clinicians and nurses to spend more time providing direct patient care, thus improving the quality of care that each patient receives.

Finances and Maintenance Matters

Although implementing new telehealth software does come with an array of benefits that are felt almost immediately, it is also smart to look for ways to maximize the investment once the software is up and running.

To select the product that you need without breaking your budget, consider limiting the number of technology platforms that you implement in your organization. Consolidating can help improve the employee experience and bolster productivity.

It is important to be realistic with your goals. Digital transformation can take time. However, it is essential that you continually provide training to all of your staff to ensure they understand how to use the product, especially when updates are made and changes go into effect. Consistent training and organizational support can dramatically increase the adoption rates of programs while allowing people to feel more comfortable using them.

Look No Further for the Best Solutions

With the right combination of strategies, you will be able to create a lasting return on your organization’s technology investment. Training, testing, and scaling are all critical pieces of this puzzle to ensure the effective deployment of any healthcare technology vendor solution.

AMD Global Telemedicine offers an impressive and comprehensive suite of solutions that are collaboratively customized and designed to support any organization’s unique demands and needs. We are here to help you choose the right telehealth technology for your specific goals.

Our expert team is dedicated to providing reliable telemedicine solutions so that you can confidently deliver quality care for all patients, regardless of distance or accessibility barriers. Contact us today if your organization wants to learn more about our state-of-the-art technology.

In the meantime, check out our buyers guide eBook and view our solutions page for more information.

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