Five Books Perfect For Yoga Beginners

Yoga is one of the world’s favourite pastimes and more and more people are looking to it in 2023 to improve fitness and ease mental health. Both scientifically and spiritually proven to promote calm and release stress, it’s recommended by thousands of medical professionals globally.

Just half an hour a day of yoga can be lifechanging and it’s been proven to help with the likes of depression, anxiety and addiction, with many private rehab centre schedules including yoga sessions to help treat patients.

It can make a remarkable difference to homelife, worklife, our relationships with loved ones, our relationships with substances, and so much more. But don’t just take our word for it, here are five great books about yoga that are perfect for inspiring you and getting you started…

Yoga for Beginners: A Quick Start Yoga Guide to Burn Fat, Strengthen Your Mind and Find Inner Peace by Emily Oddo

Yoga for Beginners by Emily Oddo is a comprehensive guide to the basic principles of yoga. The book includes detailed instructions and illustrations for a variety of yoga poses, as well as tips for developing a regular yoga practice. In addition, the book provides guidance on using yoga to achieve physical and mental wellness.

Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar

Light on Yoga is a classic guide to the Iyengar method of yoga. Written by B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the foremost yoga teachers of the 20th century, the book provides detailed instructions and photographs for more than 200 yoga poses. The book also includes information on the philosophy and history of yoga, making it a great resource for those who want to deepen their understanding of the practice.

The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark

If you’re looking to learn about Yin yoga, then this is certainly the title for you. The book explains the principles of Yin yoga, which involves holding poses for longer periods of time to increase flexibility and release tension. In addition to detailed instructions and photographs for a variety of Yin poses, the book includes information on the benefits of the practice and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T.K.V. Desikachar

A guide to developing a personal yoga practice, this book focuses on the principles of Viniyoga, a style of yoga that emphasizes the individual needs of each student. The book includes instructions for a variety of yoga poses, as well as guidance on creating a practice that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff

A full, detailed read on the anatomy of yoga. Consider it your yoga bible. The book explains how different yoga poses affect the body, including the muscles, joints, and connective tissues. In addition to detailed illustrations and explanations of anatomy, the book includes information on how to modify poses to accommodate different body types and levels of experience.