Larry Saves the Canadian Healthcare System – The Musical – Fun Friday

Satire + Music + Comedy + Healthcare. What’s not to love?

This full-length musical from Sara Kreindler perfectly captures the challenges and frustrations in the Canadian Healthcare System. It tells the story of a eager young healthcare analyst, Larry, who is newly hired by the Canadian government to help “fix” the healthcare system. Comedy and eye-rolling ensues as Larry visits an over-crowded ER and tries to navigate the multiple layers of government and administration involved in healthcare.

Even though the musical is about the Canadian Healthcare System, there are many parts that Americans will find familiar. Episode 4 is where Larry learns the solution to hospital crowding – discharging patients faster by any means necessary. Episode 5 recounts Larry’s adventure in the “wild west” of primary care. Episode 10 is all about the frenzy of trying to find a hospital bed for the never-ending influx of patients. Episode 11 is about a surprise audit where staff have to prove their policies are evidence based.

Here is just a snippet of one of the songs:

Good Morning Mr. Jones, we don’t mean to be abusive
But this is a hospital and not an all-inclusive
So shape up, look tough
You’ve been lying there long enough
You’re going home To-day!

You’ll cry, laugh, and roll your eyes…which is exactly the reaction we all have when we enter the healthcare system.

Check out the full musical below:

About the author

Colin Hung

Colin Hung is the co-founder of the #hcldr (healthcare leadership) tweetchat one of the most popular and active healthcare social media communities on Twitter. Colin speaks, tweets and blogs regularly about healthcare, technology, marketing and leadership. He is currently an independent marketing consultant working with leading healthIT companies. Colin is a member of #TheWalkingGallery. His Twitter handle is: @Colin_Hung.

