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  • Lloyd Price

Will Salesforce succeed in Healthcare where other Big Tech companies failed?

Exec Summary: Will Salesforce succeed in Healthcare where other Big Tech companies failed?

It's difficult to say for certain whether Salesforce will succeed in healthcare where other big tech companies have struggled in the past. However, Salesforce has several advantages that could help it succeed where others have failed:

  1. A proven track record in other industries: Salesforce has a proven track record of success in other industries, including finance, retail, and manufacturing. The company has established itself as a leader in customer relationship management (CRM) software and has a strong reputation for delivering innovative solutions that meet the needs of its customers.

  2. A deep understanding of healthcare: Salesforce has made a significant investment in healthcare and has developed a deep understanding of the industry and its challenges. The company has a dedicated healthcare team and has formed partnerships with leading healthcare organizations to gain insights into the needs and challenges of healthcare providers.

  3. A focus on interoperability: Salesforce is focused on promoting data interoperability in healthcare, which is a critical challenge facing the industry. By developing solutions that can help healthcare systems share and exchange data more easily, Salesforce could help address one of the biggest barriers to innovation in healthcare.

  4. A commitment to innovation: Salesforce is committed to innovation and has a strong culture of experimentation and continuous improvement. The company is continually developing new products and features and is not afraid to pivot its strategy if it sees an opportunity to better serve its customers.

Overall, while there are no guarantees in healthcare or in any industry, Salesforce's track record of success, deep understanding of healthcare, focus on interoperability, and commitment to innovation could position it for success in healthcare where other big tech companies have struggled.

Why is salesforce interested in healthcare?

Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) software company, is interested in healthcare for several reasons:

  1. The healthcare industry is a large and growing market: The healthcare industry is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. By some estimates, the global healthcare market is expected to reach over $10 trillion by 2022. This presents a significant opportunity for companies like Salesforce to tap into this market and grow their business.

  2. Healthcare organizations need better tools to manage patient data: Healthcare organizations deal with large amounts of data on a daily basis, including patient data, medical records, and billing information. Salesforce offers a range of CRM tools that can help healthcare organizations manage this data more effectively and improve patient outcomes.

  3. There is a need for better patient engagement and communication: Healthcare organizations are increasingly focused on improving patient engagement and communication. Salesforce's CRM tools can help healthcare organizations communicate more effectively with patients, manage appointments and follow-up care, and provide personalized health advice and guidance.

  4. Salesforce has a strong track record in other industries: Salesforce has a proven track record of success in other industries, including finance, retail, and manufacturing. By leveraging their expertise and experience in these industries, Salesforce can bring innovative solutions to the healthcare industry and help drive innovation and growth.

What are salesforce's plans in healthcare?

Salesforce has several plans in healthcare, including:

  1. Expanding its healthcare offerings: Salesforce is continually expanding its healthcare offerings and has developed a range of products specifically designed for healthcare organizations. These products include Salesforce Health Cloud, which helps healthcare providers manage patient data and improve patient outcomes, and Salesforce Care, which provides tools for patient engagement and communication.

  2. Partnering with healthcare organizations: Salesforce has partnerships with a number of healthcare organizations, including Cleveland Clinic, Humana, and Kaiser Permanente. These partnerships allow Salesforce to collaborate with healthcare providers and gain insights into their needs and challenges.

  3. Investing in healthcare startups: Salesforce has a venture arm called Salesforce Ventures, which invests in startups that are developing innovative healthcare solutions. This allows Salesforce to support the development of new healthcare technologies and potentially integrate these solutions into its own offerings.

  4. Focusing on data interoperability: Salesforce is focused on promoting data interoperability in healthcare, which refers to the ability of different healthcare systems to share and exchange data. Salesforce is working to develop solutions that can help healthcare organizations achieve interoperability, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Overall, Salesforce is committed to expanding its presence in healthcare and helping healthcare organizations improve patient outcomes and efficiency through the use of innovative technology solutions.

What does salesforce offer hospitals and health systems?

Salesforce offers a range of solutions for hospitals and healthcare organizations, including:

  1. Health Cloud: Salesforce Health Cloud is a cloud-based platform designed specifically for healthcare providers. It allows hospitals to manage patient data, appointments, care plans, and communication with patients all in one place. Health Cloud also includes features like patient engagement tools, analytics, and AI-powered insights to help hospitals improve patient outcomes and efficiency.

  2. Service Cloud: Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer service platform that allows hospitals to manage patient inquiries and support requests. With Service Cloud, hospitals can provide personalized support to patients through multiple channels, including phone, email, social media, and chat.

  3. Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows hospitals to create personalized marketing campaigns and communications to engage with patients and promote their services. It includes features like email marketing, social media management, and analytics to help hospitals target the right audience and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

  4. Salesforce Care: Salesforce Care is a suite of tools designed to improve patient engagement and communication. It includes features like patient portals, appointment scheduling, telehealth capabilities, and mobile messaging to help hospitals provide convenient and accessible care to patients.

Overall, Salesforce offers hospitals a range of solutions to help them manage patient data, improve patient outcomes, and provide personalized care and support to their patients. These solutions can help hospitals streamline their operations, improve patient satisfaction, and ultimately deliver better care.

How is Salesforce Health Cloud Useful?

Salesforce Health Cloud is a cloud-based platform that is specifically designed for healthcare providers, and it offers a range of features that can be useful for healthcare organizations. Here are some ways that Health Cloud can be useful:

  1. Centralized patient data management: Health Cloud provides healthcare providers with a centralized platform for managing patient data. This includes patient records, care plans, medication lists, and more. With all of this information in one place, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions and provide more personalized care to their patients.

  2. Patient engagement tools: Health Cloud includes a range of patient engagement tools, including patient portals, messaging, and mobile apps. These tools allow patients to access their health information, communicate with their healthcare providers, and manage their care more easily.

  3. Care coordination: Health Cloud includes features that can help healthcare providers coordinate care across different providers and care settings. This can include tracking patient referrals, scheduling appointments, and sharing information securely between providers.

  4. Analytics and reporting: Health Cloud includes powerful analytics and reporting tools that allow healthcare providers to track key metrics and identify trends in patient outcomes. This can help healthcare providers identify areas where they can improve care and optimize their operations.

Overall, Salesforce Health Cloud can be useful for healthcare providers in a variety of ways. It allows them to manage patient data more efficiently, engage with patients more effectively, coordinate care more easily, and analyze data to improve outcomes. By providing a comprehensive platform for managing patient care, Health Cloud can help healthcare providers deliver better care and improve patient outcomes.

Salesforce and the home: Why the big push into home health?

Amit Khanna, Salesforce’s senior vice president and general manager of healthcare and life sciences, said the company is bullish on home health because it's what consumers want and it decreases the overall cost of care.

“Home health needs a lot of things [customer relationship managemnet] offers. It needs relationships. It needs operations. It needs efficiency. It needs intelligence. And then obviously care at home. This fits right into the DNA of our company,” said Khanna, who added the company views its system as complementary to the EHR. “We are not the system to provide care at the point of care inside hospitals.”

Khanna sees an opportunity in the home health space for technology focused on customer relationship management.

Home Health capabilities include allowing non-clinical employees to access certain data from the EHR to aid scheduling. It also added the ability to streamline a scheduler's ability to convert prior authorizations into scheduled visits based on patient's availability and overall preferences.

Another new product the company added as a part of the launch is Data Cloud for Healthcare, which will allows providers and life science organizations to connect clinical and non-clinical patient data and fully understand the patient profile in real-time helping to pinpoint things like potential risks, determine therapeutic approaches, and educate patients with personalized communication.


Salesforce has made several moves into the home health market in recent years. Here are some examples of Salesforce's plans for home health:

  1. Partnership with Brightree: In 2019, Salesforce announced a partnership with Brightree, a provider of cloud-based software for the home health and hospice industry. Through this partnership, Salesforce and Brightree are working together to develop new solutions to help home health providers manage patient care more effectively.

  2. Acquisition of Vlocity: In 2020, Salesforce acquired Vlocity, a provider of cloud-based software for the insurance and healthcare industries. Vlocity has a strong focus on the home health market and offers solutions for managing home health visits and coordinating care between providers.

  3. Home health-specific features in Health Cloud: Salesforce Health Cloud includes features that are specifically designed for home health providers. These include tools for managing home health visits, tracking patient progress, and communicating with patients and their families.

Overall, Salesforce sees home health as an important growth area and is investing in partnerships and acquisitions to expand its presence in this market. By developing solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of home health providers, Salesforce is positioning itself to be a leader in this growing industry.

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