The Value of Connection: Reconnecting in the “New Normal” – #HITsm Chat Topic

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this week’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 4/23 at Noon ET (9 AM PT). This week’s chat will be hosted by Joy Rios (@askjoyrios) and Shereese Maynard (@ShereeseMayMba) from @HITLikeAGirlPod on the topic “The Value of Connection: Reconnecting in the ‘New Normal’.

NOTE: Joy and Shereese are about to take an Epic cross country adventure for 3 months with hikes scheduled along the way.  You can join a hike in your area and sponsor their trip for a great cause. Healthcare IT Today is a proud sponsor of the trip.

A return to somewhat normal life is on the horizon. Many people’s anxieties include fretting about how they’ll reenter public life after having avoided it for more than a year.

The pandemic has not only been an anxiety-provoking experience, but it has also increased the care burden for women, in particular. Data gathered by UN Women, “overwhelmingly confirms that both women and men have increased their unpaid workloads, but women are still doing the lion’s share.

Women are also taking on a greater intensity of care-related tasks than men. Meanwhile, parents are getting more help from daughters than sons. Worryingly, more women than men are leaving the workforce, perhaps as a result of these increased workloads. The economic fallout, including loss of jobs and livelihoods, is expected to push millions of additional people into extreme poverty – and women and girls stand to be the hardest-hit. By the end of this year, a shocking 13 percent of the world’s women and girls – 469 million people – will be living in extreme poverty.”

We know we can’t solve the world’s problems, but we do actively want to be the change we want to see in the world.  

The podcast community makes a committed effort to ensure that women feel connected, have a network to turn to when they need advice or amplification, and a community to lean upon for support and celebration. 

Starting in May and throughout the summer, our team will be road tripping through 25 states to hike with women in bucket-list worthy spots around the country to spark connection, conversation, and change in the health IT space. We’ll be walking and talking, recording podcast episodes, learning new technologies, and raising money for Girls Who Code along the way to advocate for future generations of women leaders.

Check out this video preview of their tour of the US ending at HIMSS 2021 in Las Vegas and be sure to Subscribe to their channel on YouTube for all the latest video updates from their trip:

Join us for this week’s #HITsm chat where we’ll discuss the following questions.

Topics for this week’s #HITsm Chat:

T1: How has your responsibilities at home changed over the last year? Has your work and/or pay suffered from the added burdens of working from home? #HITsm

T2: Have you experienced social anxiety due to the pandemic? Do you think hiking in nature could be a good segue into congregating again? #HITsm

T3: Why is it good for women to hike together? What other benefits come from exploring nature? #HITsm

T4: What do you think the impact will be of the HIT the trails journey in healthcare and health IT? #HITsm

T5: Do you believe that connecting with yourself and the great outdoors will help you show up in your own life in different ways? (i.e. Self-advocacy, confidence, new skills) #HITsm

Bonus: How do you plan to be the change, break the status quo in your life? What small actions can you take? #HITsm

Upcoming #HITsm Chat Schedule

4/30 – #HITsm Compliments
Hosted by John Lynn (@techguy) from @hcitoday

5/7 – TBD
Hosted by Kathryn Ayers Wickenhauser (@KAWickenhauser) from @DirectTrust

5/14 -TBD
Hosted by TBD

We look forward to learning from the #HITsm community! As always, let us know if you’d like to host a future #HITsm chat or if you know someone you think we should invite to host.

If you’re searching for the latest #HITsm chat, you can always find the latest #HITsm chat and schedule of chats here.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

