Information Blocking – #HITsm Chat Topic

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this week’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 3/19 at Noon ET (9 AM PT). This week’s chat will be hosted by John Lynn (@techguy) from @hcittoday on the topic “Information Blocking

For those following along at home, the Information Blocking regulation that was supposed to go into effect back in October 2020 was delayed until April 5, 2021.  While I’ve heard some people wondering about a delay, I’m not hearing anything about a delay from the powers that be within ONC.  That means healthcare organizations need to be ready and prepared for the April 5th compliance date.

The good news is that vendors are largely already preparing for what’s required.  However, a healthcare organization can’t rely on their vendor to be compliant.  That was like assuming your EHR vendor would make sure you complied with meaningful use.  They play an important role, but the healthcare organization has to do their part.  In fact, this is even more true when it comes to information blocking.

Many of us hope that this is a good step forward for patients too.  The intent of the regulation is definitely to ensure that patients have access to their health data.  No doubt this won’t solve everything because sharing health data gets complicated really quickly.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this important regulation.


Join us for this week’s #HITsm chat where we’ll discuss the upcoming information blocking regulation.

Topics for this week’s #HITsm Chat:

T1: What’s going to be the impact of the information blocking regulation on healthcare? #HITsm

T2: What are the most egregious cases of information blocking you’ve seen or hear about? #HITsm

T3: Which areas of this information blocking regulation get you most excited? #HITsm

T4: Where are there holes that still need to be filled in this regulation? #HITsm

T5: Are healthcare organizations going to be ready for the April 5th information blocking deadline? What does it mean if they’re not? #HITsm

Bonus: 10 years from now where will we be when it comes to health data sharing and information blocking? #HITsm

Upcoming #HITsm Chat Schedule

3/26 – TBD
Hosted by TBD

4/2 – Healthcare XR (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality)
Hosted by Joe Desiderio (@JoeDesiderio)

4/9 – Health Equity
Hosted by James E Gaston (@JamesEGaston)

4/16 – TBD
Hosted by TBD

4/23 – TBD
Hosted by TBD

4/30 – TBD
Hosted by TBD

5/7 – TBD
Hosted by TBD

5/14 -Digital Health Tech has Arrived: Why Aren’t Patients Benefiting More From it?
Hosted by David Lee Scher, MD (@dlschermd)

We look forward to learning from the #HITsm community! As always, let us know if you’d like to host a future #HITsm chat or if you know someone you think we should invite to host.

If you’re searching for the latest #HITsm chat, you can always find the latest #HITsm chat and schedule of chats here.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

