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Nvidia spends $1 Billion acquiring Two Israeli AI startups with massive HealthTech and Healthcare AI potential

Exec Summary:

Nvidia's strategy for healthcare revolves around leveraging their expertise in high-performance computing and AI to revolutionise various aspects of the healthcare industry. To support their strategy, Nvidia recently acquired both Deci and Run AI, making a significant move in the AI landscape.

Nvidia Acquires Run AI:

  • Focus: Run AI is a company specialising in Kubernetes-based workload management and orchestration software for AI workloads.

  • Significance: Their platform helps manage and optimize complex AI deployments across cloud, edge, and on-premises data centers. This acquisition strengthens Nvidia's ability to support large-scale AI deployments efficiently.

Nvidia Acquires Deci:

  • Focus: Deci is an AI startup specialising in an end-to-end deep learning development platform.

  • Significance: Deci's platform helps developers build, optimise, and deploy AI models across various environments.This acquisition bolsters Nvidia's deep learning capabilities and expands their reach within the AI development ecosystem.

Combined Impact:

By acquiring both companies, Nvidia strategically positions itself as a leader in the AI infrastructure and development landscape. Here's what this means:

  • Enhanced AI Infrastructure: Run AI's expertise optimises the management of AI workloads on Nvidia's powerful GPUs, leading to more efficient and scalable AI deployments.

  • Streamlined Deep Learning Development: Deci's platform complements Nvidia's hardware by providing tools for developers to build and deploy deep learning models more effectively.

  • Stronger AI Ecosystem: These acquisitions signal Nvidia's commitment to building a comprehensive AI ecosystem, attracting developers and fostering innovation in the field.

Overall, Nvidia's acquisitions of Deci and Run AI represent a significant move towards solidifying their dominance in the AI space, offering a powerful combination of hardware, software, and development tools for the advancement of AI technology.

Nvidia's Focus on AI-powered solutions in Healthcare:

  • Generative AI: Nvidia is heavily invested in generative AI, which can create new data, like realistic 3D models of organs or proteins. This has the potential to accelerate drug discovery and personalised medicine.

  • Medical Imaging: Nvidia's Clara platform and partnerships with companies like Zebra Medical Vision aim to enhance medical imaging analysis through AI, aiding in early disease detection and treatment planning.

  • Digital Biology: Tools like BioNeMo utilise AI to analyse vast amounts of biological data, leading to breakthroughs in drug development and understanding of diseases.

Overall, Nvidia's future of healthcare AI is one where:

  • AI becomes a ubiquitous tool: It will be readily available and integrated into various aspects of healthcare delivery.

  • Collaboration is key: Success relies on partnerships between technology providers, healthcare institutions, and researchers.

  • Focus on patient outcomes: AI solutions are ultimately designed to improve patient care, diagnosis, and treatment efficacy.

By combining their expertise in hardware, software, and deep learning with strategic partnerships and a focus on real-world applications, Nvidia is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of AI-powered healthcare.

Mergers, Acquisitions, Growth and Strategy for Healthcare Technology companies 

HealthTech M&A - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Visit

HealthTech M&A Newsletter from Nelson Advisors - HealthTech, Health IT, Digital Health Insights and Analysis. Subscribe Today!

Healthcare Technology Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for Founders, Owners and Investors. Email

Healthcare Technology Thought Leadership from Nelson Advisors – Market Insights, Analysis & Predictions. Visit

Nvidia's strategy for healthcare

Nvidia's strategy for healthcare revolves around leveraging their expertise in high-performance computing and AI to revolutionize various aspects of the healthcare industry. Here are some key elements of their approach:

Focus on AI-powered solutions:

  • Generative AI: Nvidia is heavily invested in generative AI, which can create new data, like realistic 3D models of organs or proteins. This has the potential to accelerate drug discovery and personalised medicine.

  • Medical Imaging: Nvidia's Clara platform and partnerships with companies like Zebra Medical Vision aim to enhance medical imaging analysis through AI, aiding in early disease detection and treatment planning.

  • Digital Biology: Tools like BioNeMo utilise AI to analyse vast amounts of biological data, leading to breakthroughs in drug development and understanding of diseases.

Building an AI ecosystem:

  • Acquisitions: Acquiring companies like Deci and Run AI strengthens their capabilities in AI development platforms and workload management, crucial for deploying AI solutions across healthcare settings.

  • Partnerships: Collaborations with healthcare institutions and research organisations accelerate innovation and ensure their solutions address real-world needs.

  • Generative AI Microservices: Providing pre-trained AI models and workflows simplifies the integration of AI into existing healthcare systems, making it more accessible.

Investments in key areas:

  • Drug Discovery: Investing in companies like Recursion and developing tools like BioNeMo showcase their commitment to using AI to streamline and optimize the drug discovery process.

  • Surgery and Medical Imaging: Partnerships with companies like Johnson & Johnson and GE Healthcare indicate their focus on improving surgical procedures and medical image analysis through AI.

  • Edge Computing: Recognizing the need for AI solutions in resource-constrained settings, Nvidia invests in edge computing technologies to enable AI deployment in various healthcare environments.

Overall, Nvidia's strategy aims to become the central player in healthcare's AI revolution by providing the hardware, software, and expertise needed to develop and deploy transformative AI solutions across various healthcare domains.

Deci - Deep Learning Development Platform

Deci offers a deep learning development platform that aimed to empower AI developers in various ways:

Key Features:

  • Automated Neural Architecture Search (AutoNAC): This proprietary technology was the core of Deci's platform. AutoNAC automatically generated and optimised deep learning model architectures, allowing developers to achieve:

  • Unparalleled Accuracy: Models often achieved 3-5x performance boost compared to traditional methods.

  • Hardware-Aware Optimization: Models were tailored to specific hardware environments (cloud, edge, mobile) for optimal performance.

  • Reduced Development Time: Automating architecture creation significantly sped up the development process.

  • End-to-End Development Platform: Deci offered a comprehensive suite of tools beyond AutoNAC, including:

  • Model Optimization: Tools for fine-tuning and optimizing models for specific tasks and hardware.

  • Deployment Tools: Solutions for deploying models across various environments, including cloud, edge, and mobile devices.

  • Generative AI Platform (Launched in March 2023): This platform provided pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) and tools for generating different creative text formats and code.


  • Faster Time to Market: AutoNAC significantly reduced the time required to build and optimize deep learning models.

  • Improved Performance: Models generated with AutoNAC often achieved superior accuracy and efficiency compared to manually designed models.

  • Flexibility: The platform supported deployment across various environments, making it adaptable to diverse use cases.

Current Status:

Following the acquisition by Nvidia, the Deci platform's future availability and specific functionalities might be subject to change. However, it's likely that Nvidia will integrate Deci's AutoNAC technology and expertise into their broader AI offerings, potentially further enhancing their capabilities in deep learning development.

Run:ai - Cluster Engine

Run:ai Cluster Engine was a software platform designed to manage and optimise AI workloads across various computing environments, including:

Key Features:

  • Resource Management: Run:ai efficiently allocated resources like GPUs, CPUs, and storage across your AI infrastructure.

  • Job Scheduling: The platform intelligently scheduled AI jobs based on resource availability, priorities, and user quotas. This ensured efficient utilization of resources and minimized idle time.

  • Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Support: Run:ai could manage AI workloads across on-premises data centers, multiple cloud platforms, or a hybrid combination.

  • Enterprise-Grade Security: It provided robust security features like user access control, data encryption, and detailed audit logs.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Both a web interface and command-line tool offered options for managing workloads and monitoring cluster resources.


  • Increased Efficiency: Run:ai optimized resource utilization, leading to faster completion of AI jobs and reduced costs.

  • Improved Collaboration: Centralized management allowed teams to share resources and access compute power more effectively.

  • Scalability: The platform could handle large-scale AI workloads across diverse environments.

  • Flexibility: It supported various AI frameworks, tools, and containerization technologies.

Current Status:

Similar to Deci, Run:ai was acquired by Nvidia in 2023. While the platform itself might not be directly available anymore, its core functionalities are likely being integrated into Nvidia's broader AI infrastructure offerings. This indicates Nvidia's commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for managing and optimising AI workloads across various environments.

'Trailblazing AI Healthcare Startups'

More than 1,700 AI healthcare startups worldwide are in the NVIDIA Inception program, leading innovation across all areas of the industry from medical devices to genomics. The program offers a wide range of benefits to support all stages of the startup’s lifecycle.

NVIDIA's Inception program plays a significant role in supporting and accelerating trailblazing AI healthcare startups. Here's a breakdown of how it works:


  • Virtual Accelerator: The Inception program is a virtual accelerator, offering various resources and support to AI startups across different industries, including healthcare.

  • Benefits for Startups: Participating startups gain access to:

  • Technical Support: Expertise and guidance from NVIDIA's engineers and deep learning specialists.

  • Go-to-Market Support: Assistance with marketing, sales, and business development strategies.

  • Technology Access: Discounted access to NVIDIA's high-performance computing hardware and software tools like GPUs and AI frameworks.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connections with potential investors, partners, and other industry players.

Focus on Healthcare:

  • NVIDIA Inception Alliance for Healthcare: This specific initiative within the Inception program focuses on supporting AI startups specifically within the healthcare sector.

  • Partnerships: The program partners with leading healthcare companies like GE Healthcare and Nuance to provide additional benefits to participating startups:

  • GE Healthcare Edison Developer Program: Access to GE Healthcare's global network for clinical and commercial validation of AI solutions.

  • Nuance AI Marketplace for Diagnostic Imaging: Integration with the Nuance platform for easier deployment and adoption of AI models by radiologists.

Impact on Trailblazing Startups:

  • Accelerated Growth: The Inception program provides crucial resources and support that can significantly accelerate the growth and success of AI healthcare startups.

  • Innovation Ecosystem: By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the program helps create a thriving ecosystem for AI innovation in healthcare.

  • Real-World Impact: Supporting these startups ultimately leads to the development and deployment of impactful AI solutions that improve patient care and healthcare outcomes.

Examples of Success:

  • This AI startup uses AI to improve the accuracy and speed of diagnoses in histopathology, highlighting the program's impact on medical imaging analysis.

  • AVATAR MEDICAL™: This company leverages AI for personalised cancer treatment planning, showcasing the program's potential in advancing personalised medicine.

Overall, NVIDIA's Inception program plays a vital role in nurturing and accelerating the success of trailblazing AI healthcare startups, ultimately contributing to advancements that can revolutionise the healthcare industry.

The Future of Healthcare AI with Nvidia

Nvidia's vision for the future of healthcare AI paints a picture of a transformed healthcare landscape where AI seamlessly integrates into every aspect, from diagnostics to patient care. Here are some key areas where Nvidia's strategies are likely to shape the future:

1. Democratising AI in Healthcare:

  • Generative AI Microservices: Making pre-trained AI models and tools readily available through cloud platforms lowers the barrier to entry for healthcare providers and researchers, accelerating the adoption of AI.

  • Blackwell B200 GPU: Developing specialised hardware like the B200 GPU specifically designed for healthcare AI applications makes powerful computing more accessible and cost-effective.

2. Transforming Medical Devices with AI:

  • Software-Defined Medical Devices: Shifting from hardware-centric devices to software-defined ones powered by AI opens doors for more adaptable, intelligent, and constantly evolving medical instruments.

  • Partnerships with MedTech Giants: Collaborations with companies like Johnson & Johnson and GE Healthcare will accelerate the development and integration of AI-powered medical devices.

3. Revolutionising Drug Discovery and Development:

  • BioNeMo Platform and Investments: Tools like BioNeMo and investments in companies like Recursion showcase Nvidia's commitment to using AI for faster, more efficient drug discovery and development processes.

  • Collaboration with Healthcare Experts: Partnerships with research institutions and pharmaceutical companies are crucial for ensuring AI solutions address real-world needs in drug discovery.

4. Personalised and Predictive Healthcare:

  • Advanced Analytics with EHR Data: Leveraging AI to analyze vast amounts of electronic health records can lead to personalized treatment plans, early disease detection, and proactive interventions.

  • AI-powered Diagnostics and Imaging Analysis: Deep learning models can analyze medical images with higher accuracy, leading to improved diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Overall, Nvidia's future of healthcare AI is one where:

  • AI becomes a ubiquitous tool: It will be readily available and integrated into various aspects of healthcare delivery.

  • Collaboration is key: Success relies on partnerships between technology providers, healthcare institutions, and researchers.

  • Focus on patient outcomes: AI solutions are ultimately designed to improve patient care, diagnosis, and treatment efficacy.

By combining their expertise in hardware, software, and deep learning with strategic partnerships and a focus on real-world applications, Nvidia is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of AI-powered healthcare.

Mergers, Acquisitions, Growth and Strategy for Healthcare Technology companies 

HealthTech M&A - Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Visit

HealthTech M&A Newsletter from Nelson Advisors - HealthTech, Health IT, Digital Health Insights and Analysis. Subscribe Today!

Healthcare Technology Buy Side, Sell Side, Growth & Strategy services for Founders, Owners and Investors. Email

Healthcare Technology Thought Leadership from Nelson Advisors – Market Insights, Analysis & Predictions. Visit

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