How to Automate Patient Payments Before & After the Visit

Stethoscope on credit card with dollar bills. Concept of online medical payments with credit card. Stethoscope with bank notes and credit card

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How to Automate Patient Payments Before & After the Visit

The majority of patients prefer an electronic payment method for their medical bills. Join Matt McBride, CEO of Mend, as he explains why and how frictionless patient payments and digital check-ins can be implemented easily and efficiently. 

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Simplfiying the Patient Journey

Healthcare organizations that bring modern experiences to patient engagement are going to accelerate growth, retention, satisfaction, loyalty, and collections. In fact, 60% of consumers expect their digital healthcare experience to mirror that of retail, according to Guidehouse.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to dramatically decrease barriers for patients and staff via automating patient payments – across all modalities of care. This is a MUST watch for any healthcare executive planning digital front-door strategies for their organization.

Automated/integrated co-payments.

Digital forms and web camera AI vitals capture.

Automated post-visit collections and payments via text/email.


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