To ChatGPT or Not to ChatGPT, That is the Question – #HITsm Chat Topic

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this month’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 3/3 at Noon ET (9 AM PT).  This month’s chat will be hosted by Erica Olenski Johansen (@thegr8chalupa) on the topic To ChatGPT or Not to ChatGPT, That is the Question.

It’s revolutionary. 

It’s captivating.

It’s alarming.

It’s still rough around the edges and has room to grow.

But, all the cool kids are doing it…or so it seems.

So, what is it?

ChatGPT, my friends. ChatGPT.

Near the end of 2022, we dreamed as an #HITsm community about what would come from the fall conference season. We anticipated great networking and connections and improved collaboration. We had lots of optimism but balanced that with a healthy dose of realism. Despite our grounded dreaming, few of us could imagine how close we were to a functional artificial intelligence(AI)/natural language processing (NLP) solution available to the masses.

November 30, 2022, brought us a new solution with a public playground – ChatGPT. 

Today, we’re facing a crossroads like the one we faced when social media was born. ChatGPT, and other AI/NLP-based applications, are proving to have a revolutionary and familiar touch. And in time, this kind of technology may profoundly impact the evolution of healthcare delivery – and maybe, just maybe, health outcomes as a result. Anything is possible.

This month’s #HITsm chat will explore the potential for ChatGPT – alongside other AI/NLP solutions – and the potential impact on the delivery of care, how we collaborate amongst each other as professionals and care coordinators, and how those use cases will further shape the world around us – in and out of healthcare.

Buckle up, folks! This will be fun.

Join us for this week’s #HITsm chat where we’ll be discussing the following topics.

Topics for this week’s #HITsm Chat:

T1: Have you used ChatGPT yet? If so, what was one thing that struck you about it? If not, is there a reason you haven’t played with it yet? #HITsm

T2: How do you envision ChatGPT and similar applications impacting thought leadership among healthcare professionals? Will it be a useful or useless tool? #HITsm

T3: Will ChatGPT impact the delivery of care? If so, will it be a positive or negative impact? #HITsm

T4: What other uses of ChatGPT might there be to improve the overall quality of life? Will it be a good thing or a bad thing? #HITsm

T5: Is ChatGPT too hyped, or is the hype just right? #HITsm

Bonus: What other technologies – beyond AI/NLP – are worth hyping up? #HITsm

As always, we look forward to learning with you alongside the #HITsm community. We want to know how we can do better and what you’d like to see in our community dialog. 

Of course, if you’re searching for the latest #HITsm chat, you can always find the latest on the #HITsm chat here.

*Disclaimer: ChatGPT was not used in the making of this blog post.*

Upcoming #HITsm Chat Schedule

4/7 – #HIMSS23 Preview

About the author

Erica Olenski Johansen

Imagining a future of healthcare at the intersection of the patient-family, tech, & creative arts.
* @AugustsArtists Executive Director * #HITsm Founder * Ironman Triathlete

