Do You Still Need a Resume if You Have LinkedIn?

With the popularity of LinkedIn and the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn profile for SEO purposes, you may be wondering about whether it is worth the time, effort, and even expense to craft a quality resume. It is true that employers will run a Google search, as well as locate the LinkedIn profile, for any potential job candidate, but they also still want to see a formal resume in most cases. In fact, sometimes the HR department requires a copy of a candidate’s resume just to complete their hiring process, even if they already know they are hiring the candidate. Here’s why you should still prioritize writing an effective resume when searching for a new job.

 Use LinkedIn to Draw Them In

Any good LinkedIn profile will use the platform to expand on your resume. It is written in a more informal voice than the resume and has the opportunity to entice employers to want to reach out and ask for a resume. The idea of your LinkedIn profile is to give your audience a wide view of your skill set, knowledge, accomplishments, experience, and more. You can create a story in this setting, enhancing your c-level personal branding. Then when you get to a point where you send out a resume to someone who has viewed your LinkedIn profile, you can give them more details and specifics about the points they’ve already read.

 Why Employers Want to See a Resume

Creating a targeted executive resume is still valuable, since employers want to see a candidate’s resume for formality purposes, if nothing else. With the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) being so common nowadays, it’s important to at least have a copy of your resume available for this purpose. Plus, during a job interview, it’s always good to provide your interviewers with a resume to give them a basis for asking questions. And even better, the information on your resume may even answer some of the questions they have about you.

 You Will Always Need a Good Resume

We may see a time when writing an effective resume doesn’t carry as much weight as it does now, but there will always be a need for a good one. Some employers may prioritize LinkedIn as being their resource for finding potential candidates, with the final decision likely coming from how well-crafted your resume is and how well you handled the interview process. LinkedIn is a critical component of a job search, but you still have to give your executive resume plenty of attention, as well.

It is important to know the balance between what to include on your executive resume and what to include on your LinkedIn profile, to maximize them. They both serve an important purpose in your job search efforts. Though they are two separate components, they also have to be consistent with each other to make the biggest impact. Doing this can be time consuming and very detailed, but if done correctly, will be an effective marketing tool in your arsenal.

