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Google Cloud and Fitbit Team Up to Optimize Healthcare Insights from Wearable Data

The healthcare industry is booming and with good reason! Healthcare alone generates as much as 30% of the world's data. This data comes from various sources, including the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and consumer wearable devices. Gaining insights from this data can be challenging, however, due to the lack of a common data standard for health devices. Fitbit Health Solutions and Google Cloud are introducing Device Connect for Fitbit. This new platform will empower healthcare and life sciences enterprises with accelerated analytics and insights to help people live healthier lives.

This solution will help healthcare organizations see what their patients do outside their clinical care settings. With these insights, they'll be able to understand patient behaviors and trends at home. In doing this, hospitals and life science companies can support care teams, researchers, and patients more effortlessly.

Key Features Include:

Enrollment and consent app for web and mobile

The pre-built patient enrollment and consent app enable organizations to provide their users with the permissions, transparency, and frictionless experience they expect. For example, users control what data they share and how it is used.

Fitbit data connector

Open source data connector provides automated data normalization and integration with Google Cloud BigQuery for advanced analytics. It can support emerging standards like Open mHealth and enables interoperability with clinical data when used with Cloud Healthcare API for cohort building and AI training pipelines.

Pre-built analytics dashboard

The pre-built Looker interactive visualization dashboard can be easily customized for different clinical settings and use cases to provide faster time to insights.

AI and machine learning tools

Use AutoML Tables to build advanced models directly from BigQuery or build custom models with 80% fewer lines of code using Vertex AI–the groundbreaking ML tools that power Google, developed by Google Research.

Decision makers will have to decide on their partnership for wearables and platforms. Google is a solid partner with its data and cloud solution, but with Microsoft's aggressive and already-in-plugged solutions at healthcare organizations, can it offer something compelling to sway CIOs?




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ABOUT David Chou

The modernization and transformation space is crowded. I'm here to help transform an organization into a digital enterprise and advise on strategic healthcare investments.


With over 20 years in the Healthcare IT industry, I am passionate about helping others succeed within the space through leveraged technology offerings and enabled business transformation services, specifically within the healthcare industry. I am a senior healthcare technology executive and have held executive roles with the Cleveland Clinic, Children's Mercy Hospital, Harris Health System, University Of Mississippi Medical Center, AHMC Healthcare, and Prime Healthcare.



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