3 Standout Innovators at #HLTH2022

The annual HLTH conference is a smorgasbord of healthcare innovation. There are startups offering cutting-edge solutions alongside well-established health IT companies introducing their latest transformational products. Standing out from all the incredible technologies at the conference is difficult, but there were three companies that did just that: Wambi, HyIvy Health, and NuraLogix.

Patient Voices to Uplift & Inspire

Wambi is a recognition and culture transformation platform that elevates the voice of patients as well as peers and provides their positive feedback directly to staff. Getting a “Wambi” means receiving gratitude, acknowledgement and/or a thank you for a job well done. The company is well positioned as healthcare organizations are looking for ways to retain and energize their staff.

Wambi was cofounded by Alexandra Coren and Rebecca Coren. Both are big believers in the power of feedback. In their eyes, it has the power to inspire individuals to reach higher and to lift others up.

Healthcare IT Today sat down with Alexandra Coren at #HLTH2022 to learn about the company’s journey and what drove them to create their platform.

Learn more about Wambi at https://wambi.org/

Upending the Status Quo for Women’s Pelvic Health

Rachel Bartholomew was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2019. She learned that her treatment would affect her pelvic health going forward and that she would need rehabilitation. To her shock and dismay, she discovered that the standard device given to women in her situation was a dilator invented in 1938. She made the decision to invent something better while waiting in her hospital bed for cancer surgery.

Today, Bartholomew leads the team at HyIvy Health and they recently completed development on their clinical-trial-ready prototype. HyIvy’s device has a warming feature, an array of sensors that monitor vaginal health, and easy to reach controls. Patients have been involved throughout the design process and the resulting prototype is winning over clinicians.

Healthcare IT Today got a preview of HyIvy’s device at #HLTH2022.

Learn more about HyIvy at https://hyivy.com/

A Selfie to See if You are Healthy

Anura, an app from NuraLogix, uses the selfie camera on tablets and mobile phones to assess the general wellness of an individual. With a 30-second selfie, the app provides information on heart rate, breathing, systolic blood pressure, mental stress, facial skin age, and various metabolic risks.

Company representatives were quick to point out that Anura is not a diagnostic replacement. It is only meant for “investigational use” and to improve awareness of general wellness.

The technology was impressive and performed well during an impromptu demonstration by Lindsay Brennan, Sr Marketing Specialist at NuraLogix. I compared the heart rate from their app to my FitBit and the readings were within 5 BPM of each other.

Learn more about NuraLogix at https://www.nuralogix.ai/

The author of this article is a non-paid advisor to HyIvy Health through ventureLAB in Canada.

About the author

Colin Hung

Colin Hung is the co-founder of the #hcldr (healthcare leadership) tweetchat one of the most popular and active healthcare social media communities on Twitter. Colin speaks, tweets and blogs regularly about healthcare, technology, marketing and leadership. He is currently an independent marketing consultant working with leading healthIT companies. Colin is a member of #TheWalkingGallery. His Twitter handle is: @Colin_Hung.

