5 Reasons Why Adjustable Beds Are Beneficial For Seniors

Many assume that adjustable beds only serve those patients admitted to a medical facility. Despite popular opinion, these models can support those ailing due to chronic illnesses or mobility restrictions. Seniors experiencing chronic pain can significantly benefit from sleeping on an adjustable bed.

As a person ages, their body undergoes dramatic changes, including decreasing bone density, lessening muscle strength, and lowered oxygen levels. Some of these changes may inconvenience and reduce the quality of life of those over 60. With these bodily changes in mind, here are five reasons why adjustable beds like My Upbed are beneficial for elderly sleepers.

The adjustable bed offers relief

Many seniors complain about debilitating back pain due to osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, or the Degeneration of joints in the lumbar spine. An adjustable bed can help these elderly folks elevate their head and feet into a position that addresses their chronic pain. When the senior citizen in your life sleeps on an adjustable bed, it will relieve a significant amount of pressure off the lower back.

If you have senior osteoporosis, the adjustable bed will be incredibly useful since it will promote better posture. Additionally, it will help to reduce the strain exerted on the hips and the shoulders.

When a senior depends on an adjustable bed’s pain-reducing benefits, they won’t have to stack pillows under their head, feet, or hips for support. When using pillows to elevate your head, you may start to experience neck pain and backaches, as they’re susceptible to shifting throughout the night from one position to another, which can kink your neck and cause soreness.

The adjustable bed prevents acid reflux

If a senior is struggling with acid reflux, they shouldn’t lie flat on the bed, as these foods can’t move through the esophagus with ease, causing acid to pool. If doctors have diagnosed you or a senior in your life with acid reflux disease, you should consider purchasing an adjustable bed that prevents stomach acids from rising. When you raise your head at least five inches, the stomach acids won’t travel into the esophagus.

As mentioned prior, using a pillow to elevate your head isn’t a fool-proof strategy. If you’re a restless sleeper, your pillow could slip and slide out of place, causing you more harm than good. Experts advise that you raise the entire mattress by using an adjustable bed, instead. That way, you won’t have to worry about being affected by acid-reflux-related breathing problems in the middle of the night.

Along with an adjustable bed, you should consult with a medical professional about your acid reflux symptoms. Because the medical field has advanced significantly, a medical practitioner can track your quality of health through telemedicine. With the help of video conferencing applications, you can receive quality healthcare while adhering to the CDC’s social distancing protocols in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adjustable beds help reduce the severity of snoring

The primary reason why people snore at night is that the windpipe has closed due to the neck’s weight. When it happens, air cannot travel through the windpipe to the lungs with ease, so sleepers produce an unpleasant sound, indicative of breathing difficulties.

When you raise yourself into an upright position using an adjustable bed, you will prevent the neck’s weight from inflicting some pressure on the trachea. In the process, you will stop snoring, and your partner will sleep peacefully throughout the night.

An adjustable bed helps to relieve chronic pain

The adjustable bed helps people to recline in a position that suits them based on their sleeping needs. When you are seated in a comfortable position, the pain that arises from chronic illnesses such as sciatica and arthritis will be relieved.

If you’re a senior experiencing chronic pain, you should also consult a medical practitioner for some life-changing advice on managing each of these medical conditions. When you schedule an appointment with a medical professional, make sure you’re open and honest from start to finish. By maintaining transparency, these professionals can prescribe the best treatment tailored to your individual needs while monitoring your health for signs of improvement.

Adjustable beds improve blood circulation

When you lift your upper back above your lower body, you can improve the blood circulation and even recover from the mobility issues that you may be experiencing. For instance, your legs may be affected by ailments like edema. In these cases, an adjustable bed will help these seniors manage their symptoms related to a health condition.

For optimal results, make sure you’ve positioned your bed in such a manner that the lower half of the body is above the heart level as you sleep. In the process, you can alleviate some of the stress that you experience due to these conditions.


If you are a senior, you may consider acquiring an adjustable bed. Such a model will ensure you enjoy quality, uninterrupted, pain-free sleep at night. While swapping your current mattress for an adjustable bed may seem trivial, these models can actually improve breathing, mitigate symptoms of acid reflux, and promote healing. For a lifestyle defined by comfort, consider purchasing an adjustable bed from My UpBed.

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